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Public Profile -- huE2E371

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Personal Health Records

Demographic Information

Date of Birth1933-05-31 (91 years old)
Blood TypeO+


Name Start Date End Date
Ocular Melanoma 2006-06-01
Orthostatic Hypotension 2009-09-08
Plantar Fasciitis 2007-08-08
Sick Sinus Syndrome 2008-08-18


Name Dosage Frequency Start Date End Date
Aclovate 0.05 % Ointment Take 1, 1 time per day at bedtime
Actos 15 mg Tablet Take 1, 1 time per day 2011-04-01
Aspirin 81 mg Tablet, Chewable Take 1, 1 time per day 2011-04-01
Centrum Silver Take 1, 1 time per day 2000-01-01
Condroitin 1200 mg Take 1, 1 time per day 1980-01-01
Dovonex 0.005 % Cream Take 1, 2 times per day
Fludrocortisone 0.1 mg Tablet Take 0.5, 1 time per day 2011-04-01
Glucosamine 750 mg Tablet Take 2, 1 time per day 1980-01-01
Midodrine 5 mg Tablet Take 1, 2 times per day 2008-08-01
Niaspan 1,000 mg Tablet Sustained Release Take 2, 1 time per day 2011-04-01
Simvastatin 5 mg Tablet Take 1, every other day 2011-04-01
Synthroid 137 mcg Tablet Take 1, 1 time per day 2011-01-01
Vitamin B12 1000 mcg Take 2, 1 time per day 2011-04-01
Vitamin C 500 mg Tablet Take 1, 1 time per day 1980-01-01
Vitamin D 1,000 unit Capsule Take 2, 1 time per day 2011-04-01


Name Reaction/Severity Start Date End Date


Name Date
Hemmorhoidectomy 1955-01-01
Analplasty 1974-01-01
Vasectomy 1979-01-01
Gallbladder Removal 1991-01-01
spermatocefectomy 2000-01-01
Plaque Radiation 2006-06-01
Lithotripsy - Extracorporeal Shock Wave 2009-04-17
Pacemaker Implanted 2009-05-15
Thyroidectomy 2010-12-01
Basal Cell Carcinoma Removed 2011-02-01
Radioactive Iodine Uptake 2011-04-01
UVB Laser Skin Treatment 2011-07-01

Test Results

Name Result Date
Tilt Table Test Systolic Loss 50 mmHg 2009-09-08


Name Date

Updated: 2011-07-18T18:24:30.455Z


Saliva Collection for Multiple Studies Sample 2004964 (saliva) mailed 2011-10-30 19:24:50 UTC by huE2E371.   Show log
2011-10-30 19:24:50 UTC huE2E371 Sample returned to researcher
2011-10-22 00:14:06 UTC huE2E371 Sample received by participant
2011-10-13 21:06:00 UTC Harvard University / TeloMe, Inc. Sample sent
2011-10-03 20:13:28 UTC Harvard University / TeloMe, Inc. Sample created
Sample 53185996 (saliva) received 2011-11-21 22:38:59 UTC by Harvard University.   Show log
2012-04-12 21:03:04 UTC Harvard University / TeloMe, Inc. A new sample 59013631 was derived from this sample
2011-11-21 22:39:04 UTC Harvard University Sample transferred to plate 73845648 (id=5) well D07 (id=43)
2011-11-21 22:38:59 UTC Harvard University Sample received by researcher (scan)
2011-10-30 19:24:51 UTC huE2E371 Sample returned to researcher
2011-10-22 00:14:06 UTC huE2E371 Sample received by participant
2011-10-13 21:06:00 UTC Harvard University / TeloMe, Inc. Sample sent
2011-10-03 20:13:28 UTC Harvard University / TeloMe, Inc. Sample created
Saliva Re-collection for Multiple Studies Sample 2938101 (saliva) received 2012-09-27 03:18:17 UTC by Harvard University / TeloMe, Inc..   Show log
2012-09-27 03:18:17 UTC Harvard University / TeloMe, Inc. Sample received by researcher
2012-09-27 03:18:17 UTC Harvard University / TeloMe, Inc. Sample received by researcher
2012-09-16 19:34:13 UTC huE2E371 Sample received by participant
2012-08-30 01:07:21 UTC Harvard University / TeloMe, Inc. Sample sent
2012-03-29 02:51:21 UTC Harvard University / TeloMe, Inc. Sample created
Sample 19334957 (saliva) received 2012-09-27 03:18:40 UTC by Harvard University / TeloMe, Inc..   Show log
2012-09-27 03:18:40 UTC Harvard University / TeloMe, Inc. Sample received by researcher
2012-09-27 03:18:40 UTC Harvard University / TeloMe, Inc. Sample received by researcher
2012-09-16 19:34:13 UTC huE2E371 Sample received by participant
2012-08-30 01:07:21 UTC Harvard University / TeloMe, Inc. Sample sent
2012-03-29 02:51:21 UTC Harvard University / TeloMe, Inc. Sample created
Sample 51505933 (saliva) received 2012-09-27 03:18:50 UTC by Harvard University / TeloMe, Inc..   Show log
2012-09-27 03:18:50 UTC Harvard University / TeloMe, Inc. Sample received by researcher
2012-09-27 03:18:50 UTC Harvard University / TeloMe, Inc. Sample received by researcher
2012-09-16 19:34:13 UTC huE2E371 Sample received by participant
2012-08-30 01:07:21 UTC Harvard University / TeloMe, Inc. Sample sent
2012-03-29 02:51:21 UTC Harvard University / TeloMe, Inc. Sample created

Uploaded data

Date Data type Source Name Download Report
2014-01-23 Complete Genomics PGP CGI sample GS02269-DNA_H03 from PGP sample Download
(220 MB)
View report

Geographic Information

Zip code:90274

Family Members Enrolled

None added.


PGP Participant Survey Responses submitted 7/16/2011 11:20:08. Show responses
Timestamp 7/16/2011 11:20:08
Year of birth 70-79 years
Which statement best describes you? I am comfortable making my genome sequence data publicly available without prior review.
Severe disease or rare genetic trait Yes
Do you have a severe genetic disease or rare genetic trait? If so, you can add a description for your public profile. orthostatic hypotension: under continuous treatment * described below psoriasis: under continuous treatment ocular melanoma: treated June 2006 by Plaque Radiation thyroid papillary carcinoma - follicular variant: complete thyroidectomy Dec 2010
Disease/trait: Onset After 60 years of age
Disease/trait: Rarity Uncommon
Disease/trait: Severity Moderate severity disease
Disease/trait: Relative enrollment No
Disease/trait: Diagnosis Yes
Disease/trait: Genetic confirmation No
Disease/trait: Documentation Yes
Disease/trait: Documentation description Tilt Table Test results
Sex/Gender Male
Race/ethnicity White
Maternal grandmother: Country of origin United Kingdom
Paternal grandmother: Country of origin Other / don't know / no response
Paternal grandfather: Country of origin Other / don't know / no response
Maternal grandfather: Country of origin Germany
Enrollment of relatives No
Enrollment of older individuals No
Enrollment of parents No
Have you uploaded genetic data to your PGP participant profile? No, but I have genetic data and plan to upload it
Have you used the PGP web interface to record a designated proxy? Yes
Have you uploaded health record data using our Google Health or Microsoft Healthvault interfaces? No, but I plan to
Blood sample Yes
Saliva sample Yes
Microbiome samples Yes
Tissue samples from surgery Yes
Tissue samples from autopsy No
PGP Trait & Disease Survey 2012: Cancers Responses submitted 11/10/2012 20:37:00. Show responses
Timestamp 11/10/2012 20:37:00
Have you ever been diagnosed with one of the following conditions? Colon polyps, Non-melanoma skin cancer, Thyroid cancer
Other condition not listed here? Ocular Melanoma, Myelodysplasia
PGP Trait & Disease Survey 2012: Endocrine, Metabolic, Nutritional, and Immunity Responses submitted 11/10/2012 20:38:23. Show responses
Timestamp 11/10/2012 20:38:23
PGP Trait & Disease Survey 2012: Blood Responses submitted 11/10/2012 20:43:09. Show responses
Timestamp 11/10/2012 20:43:09
Other condition not listed here? myelodysplasia
PGP Trait & Disease Survey 2012: Nervous System Responses submitted 11/10/2012 20:44:40. Show responses
Timestamp 11/10/2012 20:44:40
Have you ever been diagnosed with one of the following conditions? Other peripheral neuropathy
Other condition not listed here? dysautonomia
PGP Trait & Disease Survey 2012: Vision and hearing Responses submitted 11/10/2012 20:45:35. Show responses
Timestamp 11/10/2012 20:45:35
Have you ever been diagnosed with one of the following conditions? Astigmatism, Age-related hearing loss
PGP Trait & Disease Survey 2012: Circulatory System Responses submitted 11/10/2012 20:46:34. Show responses
Timestamp 11/10/2012 20:46:34
Have you ever been diagnosed with one of the following conditions? Sick sinus syndrome (includes tachy-brady syndrome), Hemorrhoids
PGP Trait & Disease Survey 2012: Respiratory System Responses submitted 11/10/2012 20:47:09. Show responses
Timestamp 11/10/2012 20:47:09
PGP Trait & Disease Survey 2012: Digestive System Responses submitted 11/10/2012 20:48:11. Show responses
Timestamp 11/10/2012 20:48:11
Have you ever been diagnosed with any of the following conditions? Dental cavities
PGP Trait & Disease Survey 2012: Genitourinary Systems Responses submitted 11/10/2012 20:48:52. Show responses
Timestamp 11/10/2012 20:48:52
Have you ever been diagnosed with any of the following conditions? Kidney stones
PGP Trait & Disease Survey 2012: Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue Responses submitted 11/10/2012 20:49:27. Show responses
Timestamp 11/10/2012 20:49:27
Have you ever been diagnosed with any of the following conditions? Psoriasis, Hair loss (includes female and male pattern baldness)
PGP Trait & Disease Survey 2012: Musculoskeletal System and Connective Tissue Responses submitted 11/10/2012 20:50:11. Show responses
Timestamp 11/10/2012 20:50:11
Have you ever been diagnosed with any of the following conditions? Plantar fasciitis
PGP Trait & Disease Survey 2012: Congenital Traits and Anomalies Responses submitted 11/10/2012 20:50:56. Show responses
Timestamp 11/10/2012 20:50:56

Absolute Pitch Survey [see all responses]

Can tell if notes are in tune: Yes
Can sing a melody on key: Yes
Can recognize musical intervals: Yes
Do you have absolute pitch? No

Enrollment History

Participant ID:huE2E371
Account created:2011-07-05 22:21:18 UTC
Eligibility screening:2011-07-05 22:52:26 UTC (passed v2)
Exam:2011-07-10 23:44:50 UTC (passed v2)
Consent:2015-08-06 14:31:02 UTC (passed v20150505)
Enrolled:2011-07-14 03:14:41 UTC