Personal Genome Project

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Public Profile -- huBE37CB

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Personal Health Records

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Geographic Information

Zip code:44022

Family Members Enrolled

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PGP Participant Survey Responses submitted 1/16/2012 22:17:48. Show responses
Timestamp 1/16/2012 22:17:48
Year of birth 30-39 years
Which statement best describes you? I am comfortable making my genome sequence data publicly available without prior review.
Severe disease or rare genetic trait No
Sex/Gender Female
Race/ethnicity White
Maternal grandmother: Country of origin Poland
Paternal grandmother: Country of origin Canada
Paternal grandfather: Country of origin Canada
Maternal grandfather: Country of origin Ukraine
Enrollment of relatives No
Enrollment of older individuals No
Enrollment of parents Maybe
Have you uploaded genetic data to your PGP participant profile? No, I have no genetic data.
Have you used the PGP web interface to record a designated proxy? Yes
Have you uploaded health record data using our Google Health or Microsoft Healthvault interfaces? No, but I plan to
Blood sample Yes
Saliva sample Yes
Microbiome samples Yes
Tissue samples from surgery Yes
Tissue samples from autopsy Yes

Absolute Pitch Survey [see all responses]

Can tell if notes are in tune: Yes
Can sing a melody on key: Yes
Can recognize musical intervals: Yes
Do you have absolute pitch? No

Enrollment History

Participant ID:huBE37CB
Account created:2009-05-31 17:57:14 UTC
Eligibility screening:2012-01-16 03:34:37 UTC (passed v2)
Exam:2009-05-31 19:21:04 UTC (passed v1)
Consent:2015-08-06 14:28:36 UTC (passed v20150505)
Enrolled:2012-01-17 02:50:37 UTC