Personal Genome Project

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Public Profile -- hu5DE8CD

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Personal Health Records

Demographic Information

Date of Birth1976-01-30 (49 years old)
Weight160lbs (73kg)
Height5ft 8in (172cm)
Blood TypeO-


Name Start Date End Date
bipolar II
Chickenpox 1987-09-15 1987-09-30
Color Blindness
Genital herpes 2003-06-01
Genital warts 2005-12-01
Hair Loss
Herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection
Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection
Infectious Mononucleosis 1993-12-01
Oral ulcers
Separated shoulder
Sprained ankle


Name Dosage Frequency Start Date End Date


Name Reaction/Severity Start Date End Date
Brazil Nuts Severe
Cat Hair Std Extract Mild


Name Date

Test Results

Name Result Date
Height 68 inches 2009-12-15
Weight 2560 ounces 2009-12-15


Name Date
Diphtheria/Tetanus/Pertussis (DTP) Vaccine
Flu Shot
Hepatitis A/Hepatitis B Vaccine
Measles/Mumps/Rubella (MMR) Vaccine
Poliovirus Vaccine, Live, Oral (OPV)
Typhus Vaccine
Yellow fever vaccine

Updated: 2010-09-15T06:05:38.645Z


Saliva Collection for Multiple Studies Sample 75297791 (saliva) received 2011-12-16 02:00:05 UTC by Harvard University.   Show log
2012-04-12 21:04:29 UTC Harvard University / TeloMe, Inc. A new sample 72343474 was derived from this sample
2011-12-16 02:00:17 UTC Harvard University Sample transferred to plate 58212966 (id=10) well B07 (id=19)
2011-12-07 19:37:31 UTC hu5DE8CD Sample returned to researcher
2011-12-07 19:31:51 UTC hu5DE8CD Sample received by participant
2011-12-03 20:27:12 UTC Harvard University / TeloMe, Inc. Sample sent
2011-11-21 21:27:00 UTC Harvard University / TeloMe, Inc. Sample created
Sample 92110932 (saliva) received 2011-12-16 02:00:10 UTC by Harvard University / TeloMe, Inc..   Show log
2012-04-12 21:04:05 UTC Harvard University / TeloMe, Inc. A new sample 75046902 was derived from this sample
2011-12-16 02:00:15 UTC Harvard University / TeloMe, Inc. Sample transferred to plate 65016198 (id=9) well B07 (id=19)
2011-12-07 19:37:31 UTC hu5DE8CD Sample returned to researcher
2011-12-07 19:31:51 UTC hu5DE8CD Sample received by participant
2011-12-03 20:27:12 UTC Harvard University / TeloMe, Inc. Sample sent
2011-11-21 21:27:00 UTC Harvard University / TeloMe, Inc. Sample created

Uploaded data

Date Data type Source Name Download Report
2013-06-30 23andMe Participant hu5DE8CD_23andMe.txt Download
(23.6 MB)
View report

Geographic Information

Zip code:80302

Family Members Enrolled

None added.


PGP Participant Survey Responses submitted 7/19/2011 23:54:36. Show responses
Timestamp 7/19/2011 23:54:36
Year of birth 30-39 years
Which statement best describes you? I am comfortable making my genome sequence data publicly available without prior review.
Severe disease or rare genetic trait No
Sex/Gender Male
Race/ethnicity White
Maternal grandmother: Country of origin United States
Paternal grandmother: Country of origin United States
Paternal grandfather: Country of origin United States
Maternal grandfather: Country of origin United States
Enrollment of relatives No
Enrollment of older individuals No
Enrollment of parents No
Have you uploaded genetic data to your PGP participant profile? No, I have no genetic data.
Have you used the PGP web interface to record a designated proxy? No
Have you uploaded health record data using our Google Health or Microsoft Healthvault interfaces? Yes
Uploaded health records: Update status Yes
Uploaded health records: Extensiveness 4
Blood sample Yes
Saliva sample Yes
Microbiome samples Yes
Tissue samples from surgery Yes
Tissue samples from autopsy Yes
PGP Trait & Disease Survey 2012: Cancers Responses submitted 10/13/2012 12:23:39. Show responses
Timestamp 10/13/2012 12:23:39
PGP Trait & Disease Survey 2012: Endocrine, Metabolic, Nutritional, and Immunity Responses submitted 10/13/2012 12:24:23. Show responses
Timestamp 10/13/2012 12:24:23
PGP Trait & Disease Survey 2012: Blood Responses submitted 10/13/2012 12:24:56. Show responses
Timestamp 10/13/2012 12:24:56
PGP Trait & Disease Survey 2012: Nervous System Responses submitted 10/13/2012 12:27:06. Show responses
Timestamp 10/13/2012 12:27:06
PGP Trait & Disease Survey 2012: Vision and hearing Responses submitted 10/13/2012 12:27:46. Show responses
Timestamp 10/13/2012 12:27:46
Have you ever been diagnosed with one of the following conditions? Astigmatism, Color blindness
PGP Trait & Disease Survey 2012: Circulatory System Responses submitted 10/13/2012 12:28:32. Show responses
Timestamp 10/13/2012 12:28:32
Have you ever been diagnosed with one of the following conditions? Hemorrhoids
PGP Trait & Disease Survey 2012: Respiratory System Responses submitted 10/13/2012 12:29:04. Show responses
Timestamp 10/13/2012 12:29:04
Have you ever been diagnosed with any of the following conditions? Asthma
PGP Trait & Disease Survey 2012: Digestive System Responses submitted 10/13/2012 12:30:43. Show responses
Timestamp 10/13/2012 12:30:43
Have you ever been diagnosed with any of the following conditions? Impacted tooth, Dental cavities, Canker sores (oral ulcers)
Other condition not listed here? The roots on most of my baby teeth did not dissolve, and they were extracted whole to make room for new teeth around the age of 8.
PGP Trait & Disease Survey 2012: Genitourinary Systems Responses submitted 10/13/2012 12:31:13. Show responses
Timestamp 10/13/2012 12:31:13
PGP Trait & Disease Survey 2012: Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue Responses submitted 10/13/2012 12:32:13. Show responses
Timestamp 10/13/2012 12:32:13
Have you ever been diagnosed with any of the following conditions? Dandruff, Hair loss (includes female and male pattern baldness)
PGP Trait & Disease Survey 2012: Musculoskeletal System and Connective Tissue Responses submitted 10/13/2012 12:33:27. Show responses
Timestamp 10/13/2012 12:33:27
Have you ever been diagnosed with any of the following conditions? Sciatica
PGP Trait & Disease Survey 2012: Congenital Traits and Anomalies Responses submitted 10/13/2012 12:34:22. Show responses
Timestamp 10/13/2012 12:34:22
PGP Trait & Disease Survey 2012: Cancers Responses submitted 2/13/2016 14:25:54. Show responses
Timestamp 2/13/2016 14:25:54
PGP Trait & Disease Survey 2012: Endocrine, Metabolic, Nutritional, and Immunity Responses submitted 2/13/2016 14:26:29. Show responses
Timestamp 2/13/2016 14:26:29
PGP Trait & Disease Survey 2012: Blood Responses submitted 2/13/2016 14:27:26. Show responses
Timestamp 2/13/2016 14:27:26
PGP Trait & Disease Survey 2012: Nervous System Responses submitted 2/13/2016 14:28:02. Show responses
Timestamp 2/13/2016 14:28:02
PGP Trait & Disease Survey 2012: Nervous System Responses submitted 2/13/2016 14:28:41. Show responses
Timestamp 2/13/2016 14:28:41
Have you ever been diagnosed with one of the following conditions? Other peripheral neuropathy
PGP Trait & Disease Survey 2012: Vision and hearing Responses submitted 2/13/2016 14:29:57. Show responses
Timestamp 2/13/2016 14:29:57
Have you ever been diagnosed with one of the following conditions? Astigmatism, Color blindness
PGP Trait & Disease Survey 2012: Circulatory System Responses submitted 2/13/2016 14:31:03. Show responses
Timestamp 2/13/2016 14:31:03
Have you ever been diagnosed with one of the following conditions? Hemorrhoids
PGP Trait & Disease Survey 2012: Respiratory System Responses submitted 2/13/2016 14:31:23. Show responses
Timestamp 2/13/2016 14:31:23
Have you ever been diagnosed with any of the following conditions? Asthma
PGP Trait & Disease Survey 2012: Digestive System Responses submitted 2/13/2016 14:32:03. Show responses
Timestamp 2/13/2016 14:32:03
Have you ever been diagnosed with any of the following conditions? Dental cavities, Canker sores (oral ulcers)
PGP Trait & Disease Survey 2012: Genitourinary Systems Responses submitted 2/13/2016 14:32:41. Show responses
Timestamp 2/13/2016 14:32:41
Have you ever been diagnosed with any of the following conditions? Urinary tract infection (UTI)
PGP Trait & Disease Survey 2012: Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue Responses submitted 2/13/2016 14:33:06. Show responses
Timestamp 2/13/2016 14:33:06
PGP Trait & Disease Survey 2012: Musculoskeletal System and Connective Tissue Responses submitted 2/13/2016 14:35:36. Show responses
Timestamp 2/13/2016 14:35:36
Other condition not listed here? dislocated shoulder
PGP Trait & Disease Survey 2012: Congenital Traits and Anomalies Responses submitted 2/13/2016 14:36:29. Show responses
Timestamp 2/13/2016 14:36:29
PGP Basic Phenotypes Survey 2015 Responses submitted 2/13/2016 14:40:01. Show responses
Timestamp 2/13/2016 14:40:01
1.1 — Blood Type Don't know
1.2 — Height 5'8"
1.3 — Weight 155
2.1 — Left Eye (Photograph Number) (full-size image: 13
2.2 — Right Eye (Photograph Number) (full-size image: 13
2.3 — Left Eye Color - Text Description greenish gray
2.4 — Right Eye Color - Text Description same
3.1 — What is your natural hair color currently, when without artificial color or dye? brown
3.2 — Hair Color - Text Description medium brown
1.4 — Handedness Right

Absolute Pitch Survey [see all responses]

Can tell if notes are in tune: Yes
Can sing a melody on key: Yes
Can recognize musical intervals: Not sure
Do you have absolute pitch? Not sure

Enrollment History

Participant ID:hu5DE8CD
Account created:2009-12-12 22:20:10 UTC
Eligibility screening:2009-12-12 22:23:47 UTC (passed v1)
Exam:2009-12-14 07:50:49 UTC (passed v1)
Consent:2024-01-07 00:57:28 UTC (passed v20210712)
Enrolled:2010-10-10 16:22:23 UTC