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Public Profile -- hu566097

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Date Data type Source Name Download Report
2016-01-01 Complete DNA Participant Susan D Ford Download
(18 MB)

Geographic Information

Zip code:16201

Family Members Enrolled

None added.


PGP Participant Survey Responses submitted 9/22/2017 10:43:11. Show responses
Timestamp 9/22/2017 10:43:11
Year of birth 1964
Do you have a severe genetic disease or rare genetic trait? If so, you can add a description for your public profile. My skin turns purple-red molted coloring, if the temperature around me drops below 74 degrees. My dermatologist said it was a genetic condition, and she asked me, at what temperature, does my skin start to change colors. I am a white female. When I was tested with the National Geographic Geno 2 test, I downloaded my raw DNA. I also found out that I am Denisovan 2.4%, Neanderthal 2.3%, 2.4% Ambiguous, and the rest is Modern Human. I was an RH baby born in 1964. I was told that I spent the first 6 months of my life in Children's Hospital, Pittsburgh, Pa., because my mom's and dad's blood was fighting inside of me. One of the reasons I lived, was because, my dad's brother was Dr. James K Greenbaum, and he was a really good Pediatrics doctor from, Kittanning, Pa., who just passed in 2013.
Sex/Gender Female
Maternal grandmother: Country of origin United States
Paternal grandmother: Country of origin United States
Paternal grandfather: Country of origin United States
Maternal grandfather: Country of origin United States
Month of birth June
Anatomical sex at birth Female
Maternal grandmother: Race/ethnicity White
Maternal grandfather: Race/ethnicity White
Paternal grandfather: Race/ethnicity White
PGP Trait & Disease Survey 2012: Cancers Responses submitted 9/23/2017 15:23:22. Show responses
Timestamp 9/23/2017 15:23:22
Have you ever been diagnosed with one of the following conditions? Melanoma, Cervical cancer
PGP Trait & Disease Survey 2012: Blood Responses submitted 9/23/2017 15:24:20. Show responses
Timestamp 9/23/2017 15:24:20
Have you ever been diagnosed with any of the following conditions? Iron deficiency anemia, Folate deficiency anemia
PGP Basic Phenotypes Survey 2015 Responses submitted 12/9/2017 17:21:03. Show responses
Timestamp 12/9/2017 17:21:03
1.1 — Blood Type O -
1.2 — Height 5'2"
1.3 — Weight 121
2.1 — Left Eye (Photograph Number) (full-size image: 9
2.2 — Right Eye (Photograph Number) (full-size image: 11
2.3 — Left Eye Color - Text Description Green-Blue with flecks of Golden color. Black ring around outside of color.
2.4 — Right Eye Color - Text Description My eyes change colors. The color depends on what mood I am in.
2.5 —Comments My mother's eyesight was perfect up until her death at age 84. She was far-sighted by only 1.50. She did have cataracts removed about 6 months before she died. Her eyes were dark brown. My father's eyes were hazel. more blueish then green. But they also changed color according to his mood. His eyesight was bad. He needed glasses for everything.
3.1 — What is your natural hair color currently, when without artificial color or dye? blonde
3.2 — Hair Color - Text Description My hair color is a reddish-brown blonde. If I receve a lot of sun my hair changes colors from dark blonde to almost a white blonde.
1.4 — Handedness Right
PGP Trait & Disease Survey 2012: Endocrine, Metabolic, Nutritional, and Immunity Responses submitted 12/9/2017 17:34:08. Show responses
Timestamp 12/9/2017 17:34:08
Have you ever been diagnosed with any of the following conditions? Hypothyroidism, High triglycerides (hypertriglyceridemia)
PGP Basic Phenotypes Survey 2015 Responses submitted 12/9/2017 17:40:17. Show responses
Timestamp 12/9/2017 17:40:17
1.1 — Blood Type O -
1.2 — Height 5'2"
1.3 — Weight 121
1.4 — Comments I rode horses for 27 years and I also played piano and the clarinet. I can use both hands equally.
2.1 — Left Eye (Photograph Number) (full-size image: 9
2.2 — Right Eye (Photograph Number) (full-size image: 11
2.3 — Left Eye Color - Text Description Green-Blue with flecks of Golden color. Black ring around outside of color.
2.4 — Right Eye Color - Text Description My eyes change colors. The color depends on what mood I am in.
3.1 — What is your natural hair color currently, when without artificial color or dye? blonde
3.2 — Hair Color - Text Description My hair color is a reddish-brown blonde. If I receve a lot of sun my hair changes colors from dark blonde to almost a white blonde.
4.1 — Any final thoughts? The sunshine will lighten my hair from a reddish-brown-blonde to a white blonde. It also has different textures from thin to thick width.
1.4 — Handedness Right

Absolute Pitch Survey

Survey not taken.

Enrollment History

Participant ID:hu566097
Account created:2017-09-16 19:30:13 UTC
Eligibility screening:2017-09-16 19:36:12 UTC (passed v2)
Exam:2017-09-16 20:34:03 UTC (passed v20120430)
Consent:2017-09-16 20:45:11 UTC (passed v20150505)
Enrolled:2017-09-16 20:57:34 UTC