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Public Profile -- hu1A4F2E

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Personal Health Records

Demographic Information

Date of Birth1951-02-20 (74 years old)
Weight130lbs (59kg)
Height4ft 11in (149cm)
Blood TypeO+
RaceHispanic or Latino


Name Start Date End Date
ASTHMA 1960-02-01
Astigmatism 1970-05-01
Bone spurs 2005-05-01
Breast Fibroadenoma 1976-02-01 1976-03-01
Chickenpox 1957-08-01 1957-09-01
Lactose Intolerance 1953-02-01
Le Fort Facial Fracture and Concussion 1970-04-01 1970-06-01
Lipodystrophy 1979-05-01 1981-06-01
Measles 1958-05-01 1958-06-01
Mumps 1958-06-01 1958-06-01
Nephritis 1951-10-01 1951-12-01
Osgood-Schlatter's Disease 1956-02-01 1958-02-01
Plantar warts 1961-05-01 1961-07-01
Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting (PONV) 2004-03-01 2004-03-01
Scarlet Fever 1951-10-01 1951-11-01
Shingles 2006-03-01 2006-04-01


Name Dosage Frequency Start Date End Date
Bayer Childrens Aspirin 81 mg Tablet, Chewable Take 1, 1 time per day 1995-02-01
Benefiber Plus Calcium 100 mg Tablet, Chewable Take 3, 1 time per day 2002-02-01
Complete Multivitamin Tablet every other day 2000-02-01
Crestor 10 mg Tablet Take 1, 1 time per day 2005-02-01
Natural Co-Q10 100 mg Take 1, 1 time per day 1999-02-01
Stress B Plus Zinc Tablet Take 1, every other day 2003-02-01
Vitamin D-3 400 unit Tablet Take 1, 1 time per day 1999-02-01


Name Reaction/Severity Start Date End Date
Any type of shellfish especially crab, lobster and shrimp SEVERE 1951-01-01
Bees SEVERE 1955-12-30
PCN, Codeine SEVERE 1955-02-20
ragweed, grass, tree and other pollens SEVERE 1955-02-01


Name Date
Breast Lump Removal 1976-02-01
Laparoscopic gallbladder removal (cholecystectomy) 2004-02-01

Test Results

Name Result Date
Height 60 inches 2008-01-01
Diastolic Blood Pressure 58 mmHg 2010-10-11
Systolic Blood Pressure 100 mmHg 2010-10-11
Hours slept 5.5 hours 2010-10-13
Hours slept 5 hours 2010-10-14
Breathing 12 breaths/min 2010-10-15
Height 59 inches 2010-10-15
H2O 54 oz 2010-10-15
Body temperature 97.6 degrees Fahrenheit 2010-10-15
Weight 135 lb 2010-10-15
Hours slept 6 hours 2010-10-15
Heart rate 56 bpm 2010-10-15
Hours slept 7 hours 2010-10-16
H2O 45 oz 2010-10-16
Hours slept 8 hours 2010-10-17
H2O 54 oz 2010-10-17
H2O 54 oz 2010-10-17
Systolic Blood Pressure 102 mmHg 2010-10-18
Heart rate 58 bpm 2010-10-18
Weight 132 lb 2010-10-18
Body temperature 98.0 degrees Fahrenheit 2010-10-18
Diastolic Blood Pressure 59 mmHg 2010-10-18
Hours slept 5.5 hours 2010-10-18
H2O 45 oz 2010-10-19
Breathing 11 breaths/min 2010-10-20
Hours slept 6 hours 2010-10-20
H2O 64 oz 2010-10-20
Heart rate 62 bpm 2010-10-20
Hours slept 6.5 hours 2010-10-21
Systolic Blood Pressure 100 mmHg 2010-10-21
H2O 54 oz 2010-10-21
Diastolic Blood Pressure 62 mmHg 2010-10-21
Heart rate 60 bpm 2010-10-22
H2O 32 oz 2010-10-22
Hours slept 5 hours 2010-10-22
Systolic Blood Pressure 101 mmHg 2010-10-23
H2O 54 oz 2010-10-23
Heart rate 59 bpm 2010-10-23
Diastolic Blood Pressure 60 mmHg 2010-10-23
Weight 130 lb 2010-10-23
Breathing 12 breaths/min 2010-10-23
Body temperature 97.2 degrees Fahrenheit 2010-10-23


Name Date
Hepatitis B Vaccine, Adult 1990-07-01
Pneumococcal Vaccine, Type Unknown 1990-07-01
Smallpox (Vaccinia) Vaccine 1958-02-01
Tetanus/Diphteria (Td) Toxoids, Older Children and Adults 1990-07-01

Updated: 2010-10-23T04:48:35.732Z


Saliva Collection Pilot Study for 100 participants Sample 46066400 (saliva) received 2011-08-30 21:08:58 UTC by Harvard University.   Show log
2012-04-12 21:02:30 UTC Harvard University / TeloMe, Inc. A new sample 52994884 was derived from this sample
2011-10-26 21:04:10 UTC Harvard University Sample transferred to plate 4504234 (id=3) well F05 (id=65)
2011-08-30 21:08:58 UTC Harvard University Sample received by researcher (scan)
2011-08-05 15:40:58 UTC hu1A4F2E Sample received by participant
2011-08-02 15:09:17 UTC Harvard University / TeloMe, Inc. Sample sent
2011-08-02 04:03:11 UTC Harvard University / TeloMe, Inc. Sample created
Sample 18957139 (saliva) received 2011-08-30 21:08:43 UTC by Harvard University.   Show log
2012-04-12 21:02:10 UTC Harvard University / TeloMe, Inc. A new sample 05428107 was derived from this sample
2011-09-13 19:14:43 UTC Harvard University Sample transferred to plate 30097989 (id=2) well F05 (id=65)
2011-08-30 21:08:43 UTC Harvard University Sample received by researcher (scan)
2011-08-05 15:40:58 UTC hu1A4F2E Sample received by participant
2011-08-02 15:09:17 UTC Harvard University / TeloMe, Inc. Sample sent
2011-08-02 04:03:11 UTC Harvard University / TeloMe, Inc. Sample created
Sample 22625699 (saliva) received 2011-08-30 21:08:29 UTC by Harvard University.   Show log
2012-04-12 21:01:47 UTC Harvard University / TeloMe, Inc. A new sample 84110312 was derived from this sample
2011-09-09 20:11:28 UTC Harvard University Sample transferred to plate 87023884 (id=1) well F05 (id=65)
2011-08-30 21:08:29 UTC Harvard University Sample received by researcher (scan)
2011-08-05 15:40:58 UTC hu1A4F2E Sample received by participant
2011-08-02 15:09:17 UTC Harvard University / TeloMe, Inc. Sample sent
2011-08-02 04:03:11 UTC Harvard University / TeloMe, Inc. Sample created
Saliva Collection for Multiple Studies Sample 81568342 (saliva) received 2012-01-11 00:12:54 UTC by Harvard University / TeloMe, Inc..   Show log
2012-04-12 21:05:48 UTC Harvard University / TeloMe, Inc. A new sample 38027540 was derived from this sample
2012-01-11 00:12:59 UTC Harvard University / TeloMe, Inc. Sample transferred to plate 25942764 (id=13) well F04 (id=64)
2011-12-27 20:59:38 UTC hu1A4F2E Sample returned to researcher
2011-12-23 16:33:42 UTC hu1A4F2E Sample received by participant
2011-12-03 20:27:38 UTC Harvard University / TeloMe, Inc. Sample sent
2011-11-30 00:02:47 UTC Harvard University / TeloMe, Inc. Sample created
Sample 73857311 (saliva) received 2012-01-11 00:42:43 UTC by Harvard University / TeloMe, Inc..   Show log
2012-04-12 21:06:08 UTC Harvard University / TeloMe, Inc. A new sample 81795398 was derived from this sample
2012-01-11 00:42:49 UTC Harvard University / TeloMe, Inc. Sample transferred to plate 11192313 (id=14) well F04 (id=64)
2011-12-27 20:59:38 UTC hu1A4F2E Sample returned to researcher
2011-12-23 16:33:42 UTC hu1A4F2E Sample received by participant
2011-12-03 20:27:38 UTC Harvard University / TeloMe, Inc. Sample sent
2011-11-30 00:02:47 UTC Harvard University / TeloMe, Inc. Sample created
Saliva Re-collection for Multiple Studies Sample 21673042 (saliva) received 2012-09-13 17:14:48 UTC by Harvard University / TeloMe, Inc..   Show log
2012-10-02 20:55:21 UTC Harvard University / TeloMe, Inc. Sample transferred to plate 40390395 (id=56) well H04 (id=88)
2012-09-13 17:14:48 UTC Harvard University / TeloMe, Inc. Sample received by researcher
2012-09-13 17:14:48 UTC Harvard University / TeloMe, Inc. Sample received by researcher
2012-07-20 20:10:37 UTC hu1A4F2E Sample returned to researcher
2012-07-18 16:10:05 UTC hu1A4F2E Sample received by participant
2012-07-11 14:31:36 UTC Harvard University / TeloMe, Inc. Sample sent
2012-03-06 15:29:53 UTC Harvard University / TeloMe, Inc. Sample created
Sample 61566754 (saliva) received 2012-09-13 17:15:34 UTC by Harvard University / TeloMe, Inc..   Show log
2012-10-02 20:55:32 UTC Harvard University / TeloMe, Inc. Sample transferred to plate 73030379 (id=57) well H04 (id=88)
2012-09-13 17:15:34 UTC Harvard University / TeloMe, Inc. Sample received by researcher
2012-09-13 17:15:34 UTC Harvard University / TeloMe, Inc. Sample received by researcher
2012-07-20 20:10:37 UTC hu1A4F2E Sample returned to researcher
2012-07-18 16:10:05 UTC hu1A4F2E Sample received by participant
2012-07-11 14:31:36 UTC Harvard University / TeloMe, Inc. Sample sent
2012-03-06 15:29:53 UTC Harvard University / TeloMe, Inc. Sample created
Sample 64716756 (saliva) received 2012-09-13 17:14:39 UTC by Harvard University / TeloMe, Inc..   Show log
2012-10-02 20:55:19 UTC Harvard University / TeloMe, Inc. Sample transferred to plate 63913129 (id=58) well H04 (id=88)
2012-09-13 17:14:40 UTC Harvard University / TeloMe, Inc. Sample received by researcher
2012-09-13 17:14:39 UTC Harvard University / TeloMe, Inc. Sample received by researcher
2012-07-20 20:10:37 UTC hu1A4F2E Sample returned to researcher
2012-07-18 16:10:05 UTC hu1A4F2E Sample received by participant
2012-07-11 14:31:36 UTC Harvard University / TeloMe, Inc. Sample sent
2012-03-06 15:29:53 UTC Harvard University / TeloMe, Inc. Sample created

Uploaded data

Date Data type Source Name Download Report
2016-05-12 Complete Genomics PGP hu1A4F2E: var-GS000034193-ASM.tsv.bz2 Download
(243 MB)
View report
• female
• 2,758,904,175 positions covered
• ref. b37

Geographic Information

Zip code:33777

Family Members Enrolled

None added.


PGP Participant Survey Responses submitted 7/16/2011 12:00:11. Show responses
Timestamp 7/16/2011 12:00:11
Year of birth 60-69 years
Which statement best describes you? I am comfortable making my genome sequence data publicly available without prior review.
Severe disease or rare genetic trait No
Sex/Gender Female
Race/ethnicity Hispanic or Latino
Maternal grandmother: Country of origin Puerto Rico
Paternal grandmother: Country of origin Puerto Rico
Paternal grandfather: Country of origin Puerto Rico
Maternal grandfather: Country of origin Puerto Rico
Enrollment of relatives No
Enrollment of older individuals Yes
Enrollment of parents Maybe
Have you uploaded genetic data to your PGP participant profile? Yes, I have uploaded genetic data
Have you used the PGP web interface to record a designated proxy? Yes
Have you uploaded health record data using our Google Health or Microsoft Healthvault interfaces? Yes
Uploaded health records: Update status Yes
Uploaded health records: Extensiveness 4
Blood sample No
Saliva sample Yes
Microbiome samples Yes
Tissue samples from surgery No
Tissue samples from autopsy Yes
PGP Trait & Disease Survey 2012: Cancers Responses submitted 10/15/2012 20:34:52. Show responses
Timestamp 10/15/2012 20:34:52
Have you ever been diagnosed with one of the following conditions? Breast fibroadenoma
PGP Trait & Disease Survey 2012: Endocrine, Metabolic, Nutritional, and Immunity Responses submitted 10/15/2012 20:35:49. Show responses
Timestamp 10/15/2012 20:35:49
Have you ever been diagnosed with any of the following conditions? Lactose intolerance
PGP Trait & Disease Survey 2012: Blood Responses submitted 10/15/2012 20:36:40. Show responses
Timestamp 10/15/2012 20:36:40
PGP Trait & Disease Survey 2012: Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue Responses submitted 10/15/2012 20:43:57. Show responses
Timestamp 10/15/2012 20:43:57
PGP Trait & Disease Survey 2012: Blood Responses submitted 10/15/2012 20:44:20. Show responses
Timestamp 10/15/2012 20:44:20
PGP Trait & Disease Survey 2012: Blood Responses submitted 10/17/2012 17:25:14. Show responses
Timestamp 10/17/2012 17:25:14
PGP Trait & Disease Survey 2012: Genitourinary Systems Responses submitted 10/17/2012 17:26:56. Show responses
Timestamp 10/17/2012 17:26:56
PGP Trait & Disease Survey 2012: Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue Responses submitted 10/17/2012 17:27:44. Show responses
Timestamp 10/17/2012 17:27:44
PGP Trait & Disease Survey 2012: Endocrine, Metabolic, Nutritional, and Immunity Responses submitted 10/17/2012 17:28:26. Show responses
Timestamp 10/17/2012 17:28:26
Have you ever been diagnosed with any of the following conditions? Lactose intolerance
PGP Trait & Disease Survey 2012: Cancers Responses submitted 10/17/2012 17:28:52. Show responses
Timestamp 10/17/2012 17:28:52
Have you ever been diagnosed with one of the following conditions? Breast fibroadenoma
PGP Trait & Disease Survey 2012: Nervous System Responses submitted 10/17/2012 17:30:16. Show responses
Timestamp 10/17/2012 17:30:16
PGP Trait & Disease Survey 2012: Vision and hearing Responses submitted 10/17/2012 17:31:15. Show responses
Timestamp 10/17/2012 17:31:15
Have you ever been diagnosed with one of the following conditions? Hyperopia (Farsightedness), Myopia (Nearsightedness), Astigmatism
PGP Trait & Disease Survey 2012: Circulatory System Responses submitted 10/17/2012 17:32:29. Show responses
Timestamp 10/17/2012 17:32:29
PGP Trait & Disease Survey 2012: Digestive System Responses submitted 10/17/2012 17:34:00. Show responses
Timestamp 10/17/2012 17:34:00
Have you ever been diagnosed with any of the following conditions? Dental cavities, Gallstones
PGP Trait & Disease Survey 2012: Respiratory System Responses submitted 10/17/2012 17:34:40. Show responses
Timestamp 10/17/2012 17:34:40
Have you ever been diagnosed with any of the following conditions? Allergic rhinitis, Asthma
PGP Trait & Disease Survey 2012: Musculoskeletal System and Connective Tissue Responses submitted 10/17/2012 17:35:57. Show responses
Timestamp 10/17/2012 17:35:57
Have you ever been diagnosed with any of the following conditions? Osteoarthritis, Bone spurs, Osgood-Schlatter disease
PGP Trait & Disease Survey 2012: Congenital Traits and Anomalies Responses submitted 10/17/2012 17:36:31. Show responses
Timestamp 10/17/2012 17:36:31
PGP Participant Survey Responses submitted 10/17/2012 17:41:20. Show responses
Timestamp 10/17/2012 17:41:20
Year of birth 60-69 years
Which statement best describes you? I am comfortable making my genome sequence data publicly available without prior review.
Severe disease or rare genetic trait No
Sex/Gender Female
Race/ethnicity Hispanic or Latino
Maternal grandmother: Country of origin Puerto Rico
Paternal grandmother: Country of origin Puerto Rico
Paternal grandfather: Country of origin Puerto Rico
Maternal grandfather: Country of origin Puerto Rico
Enrollment of older individuals No
Enrollment of parents Maybe
Have you uploaded genetic data to your PGP participant profile? Yes, I have uploaded genetic data
Have you used the PGP web interface to record a designated proxy? Yes
Have you uploaded health record data using our Google Health or Microsoft Healthvault interfaces? Yes
Uploaded health records: Update status Yes
Uploaded health records: Extensiveness 4
Blood sample Yes
Saliva sample Yes
Microbiome samples Yes
Tissue samples from surgery Yes
Tissue samples from autopsy Yes
PGP Basic Phenotypes Survey 2015 Responses submitted 11/18/2015 15:21:58. Show responses
Timestamp 11/18/2015 15:21:58
1.1 — Blood Type O +
1.2 — Height 4'11"
1.3 — Weight 130
2.1 — Left Eye (Photograph Number) (full-size image: 19
2.2 — Right Eye (Photograph Number) (full-size image: 19
2.3 — Left Eye Color - Text Description hazel with blue ring on outer iris
2.4 — Right Eye Color - Text Description same
3.1 — What is your natural hair color currently, when without artificial color or dye? black
3.2 — Hair Color - Text Description black; not blue black
1.4 — Handedness Both equally well

Absolute Pitch Survey [see all responses]

Can tell if notes are in tune: Yes
Can sing a melody on key: Yes
Can recognize musical intervals: Yes
Do you have absolute pitch? No

Enrollment History

Participant ID:hu1A4F2E
Account created:2010-10-10 20:16:06 UTC
Eligibility screening:2010-10-10 20:19:21 UTC (passed v2)
Exam:2010-10-11 00:27:45 UTC (passed v2)
Consent:2015-08-06 14:30:15 UTC (passed v20150505)
Enrolled:2010-10-12 23:08:10 UTC