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Public Profile -- hu0E64A1

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Real Name

Chris Fukuoka

Personal Health Records

Demographic Information

Date of Birth1985-02-20 (40 years old)
Weight120lbs (54kg)
Blood Type


Name Start Date End Date


Name Dosage Frequency Start Date End Date


Name Reaction/Severity Start Date End Date


Name Date

Test Results

Name Result Date
Weight 130.6 lb 2011-01-08
Steps taken 8964 steps 2011-01-08
Fat Mass 16.5 lb 2011-01-08
Calories burned 2001 calories 2011-01-08
Hours slept 0.47 hours 2011-01-08
Daily distance 4.24 miles 2011-01-08
Times awakened 1 times 2011-01-08
Daily distance 6.31 miles 2011-01-09
Steps taken 13532 steps 2011-01-09
Calories burned 2239 calories 2011-01-09
Weight 124 lb 2011-01-10
Hours slept 0.15 hours 2011-01-10
Calories burned 2399 calories 2011-01-10
Daily distance 6.9 miles 2011-01-10
Weight 123.9 lb 2011-01-10
Steps taken 15466 steps 2011-01-10
Fat Mass 12.6 lb 2011-01-10
Times awakened 0 times 2011-01-10
Fat Mass 12.9 lb 2011-01-10
Steps taken 9302 steps 2011-01-11
Daily distance 3.9 miles 2011-01-11
Calories burned 2049 calories 2011-01-11
Hours slept 0.13 hours 2011-01-11
Times awakened 0 times 2011-01-11
Times awakened 0 times 2011-01-12
Hours slept 0.12 hours 2011-01-12
Daily distance 3.88 miles 2011-01-12
Calories burned 2107 calories 2011-01-12
Steps taken 9251 steps 2011-01-12
Times awakened 1 times 2011-01-13
Calories burned 2340 calories 2011-01-13
Hours slept 0.8 hours 2011-01-13
Steps taken 13239 steps 2011-01-13
Daily distance 5.93 miles 2011-01-13
Calories burned 2244 calories 2011-01-14
Weight 125 lb 2011-01-14
Fat Mass 13.5 lb 2011-01-14
Fat Mass 15.3 lb 2011-01-15
Weight 129.1 lb 2011-01-15
Calories burned 2244 calories 2011-01-15
Times awakened 0 times 2011-01-16
Hours slept 1.08 hours 2011-01-16
Calories burned 1996 calories 2011-01-16
Daily distance 3.84 miles 2011-01-16
Steps taken 9158 steps 2011-01-16
Steps taken 13194 steps 2011-01-17
Daily distance 5.85 miles 2011-01-17
Hours slept 10.23 hours 2011-01-17
Times awakened 19 times 2011-01-17
Calories burned 2223 calories 2011-01-17
Steps taken 7620 steps 2011-01-18
Daily distance 3.2 miles 2011-01-18
Weight 127.3 lb 2011-01-18
Fat Mass 16.2 lb 2011-01-18
Calories burned 1965 calories 2011-01-18
Calories burned 2173 calories 2011-01-19
Daily distance 5.26 miles 2011-01-19
Steps taken 12261 steps 2011-01-19
Hours slept 0.45 hours 2011-01-19
Times awakened 1 times 2011-01-19
Steps taken 14086 steps 2011-01-20
Daily distance 6.51 miles 2011-01-20
Fat Mass 14.8 lb 2011-01-20
Calories burned 2282 calories 2011-01-20
Weight 127.5 lb 2011-01-20
Calories burned 2163 calories 2011-01-21
Daily distance 4.75 miles 2011-01-21
Hours slept 0.2 hours 2011-01-21
Fat Mass 14 lb 2011-01-21
Weight 126.1 lb 2011-01-21
Steps taken 10904 steps 2011-01-21
Times awakened 0 times 2011-01-21
Daily distance 3.33 miles 2011-01-22
Steps taken 7943 steps 2011-01-22
Calories burned 1945 calories 2011-01-22
Fat Mass 14.9 lb 2011-01-22
Weight 125 lb 2011-01-22
Calories burned 1962 calories 2011-01-23
Daily distance 3.68 miles 2011-01-23
Steps taken 8165 steps 2011-01-23
Calories burned 2286 calories 2011-01-24
Steps taken 14028 steps 2011-01-24
Hours slept 0.65 hours 2011-01-24
Times awakened 0 times 2011-01-24
Daily distance 6.27 miles 2011-01-24
Daily distance 2.69 miles 2011-01-25
Calories burned 1859 calories 2011-01-25
Steps taken 6127 steps 2011-01-25
Daily distance 3.87 miles 2011-01-26
Calories burned 2078 calories 2011-01-26
Steps taken 8773 steps 2011-01-26
Daily distance 4.76 miles 2011-01-27
Steps taken 9354 steps 2011-01-27
Calories burned 2055 calories 2011-01-27
Steps taken 11066 steps 2011-01-28
Calories burned 2165 calories 2011-01-28
Weight 125.3 lb 2011-01-28
Daily distance 5.07 miles 2011-01-28
Fat Mass 13.6 lb 2011-01-28
Steps taken 7528 steps 2011-01-29
Daily distance 3.16 miles 2011-01-29
Calories burned 1910 calories 2011-01-29
Times awakened 0 times 2011-01-30
Steps taken 10152 steps 2011-01-30
Calories burned 2117 calories 2011-01-30
Daily distance 5.13 miles 2011-01-30
Hours slept 0.47 hours 2011-01-30
Steps taken 10770 steps 2011-01-31
Calories burned 2112 calories 2011-01-31
Daily distance 4.9 miles 2011-01-31
Daily distance 6.04 miles 2011-02-01
Steps taken 12507 steps 2011-02-01
Calories burned 2342 calories 2011-02-01
Weight 126.4 lb 2011-02-01
Fat Mass 14.5 lb 2011-02-01
Fat Mass 15.2 lb 2011-02-02
Steps taken 13749 steps 2011-02-02
Daily distance 5.88 miles 2011-02-02
Weight 125.1 lb 2011-02-02
Times awakened 0 times 2011-02-02
Calories burned 2298 calories 2011-02-02
Hours slept 0.85 hours 2011-02-02
Daily distance 2.67 miles 2011-02-03
Steps taken 6242 steps 2011-02-03
Times awakened 6 times 2011-02-03
Calories burned 1862 calories 2011-02-03
Hours slept 1.95 hours 2011-02-03
Calories burned 2247 calories 2011-02-04
Hours slept 0.13 hours 2011-02-04
Daily distance 5.52 miles 2011-02-04
Steps taken 11769 steps 2011-02-04
Times awakened 0 times 2011-02-04
Fat Mass 13.4 lb 2011-02-05
Calories burned 2235 calories 2011-02-05
Steps taken 13373 steps 2011-02-05
Hours slept 0.17 hours 2011-02-05
Times awakened 0 times 2011-02-05
Daily distance 6.16 miles 2011-02-05
Weight 124.3 lb 2011-02-05
Fat Mass 13.1 lb 2011-02-06
Weight 124.3 lb 2011-02-06
Calories burned 2183 calories 2011-02-06
Steps taken 12101 steps 2011-02-06
Daily distance 5.26 miles 2011-02-06
Daily distance 5.13 miles 2011-02-07
Calories burned 2208 calories 2011-02-07
Steps taken 11817 steps 2011-02-07
Daily distance 2.37 miles 2011-02-08
Steps taken 5369 steps 2011-02-08
Calories burned 2244 calories 2011-02-08
Weight 124.5 lb 2011-02-08
Fat Mass 14.6 lb 2011-02-08
Calories burned 2192 calories 2011-02-09
Daily distance 5.13 miles 2011-02-09
Steps taken 11542 steps 2011-02-09
Calories burned 2454 calories 2011-02-10
Steps taken 16395 steps 2011-02-10
Daily distance 7.47 miles 2011-02-10
Hours slept 0.22 hours 2011-02-11
Steps taken 8445 steps 2011-02-11
Times awakened 0 times 2011-02-11
Daily distance 3.54 miles 2011-02-11
Calories burned 2018 calories 2011-02-11
Calories burned 1953 calories 2011-02-12
Hours slept 0.38 hours 2011-02-12
Steps taken 8379 steps 2011-02-12
Daily distance 3.91 miles 2011-02-12
Times awakened 0 times 2011-02-12
Steps taken 7051 steps 2011-02-13
Calories burned 1870 calories 2011-02-13
Daily distance 3.02 miles 2011-02-13
Daily distance 6.07 miles 2011-02-14
Steps taken 13884 steps 2011-02-14
Hours slept 0.25 hours 2011-02-14
Calories burned 2285 calories 2011-02-14
Times awakened 0 times 2011-02-14
Weight 124.1 lb 2011-02-14
Fat Mass 12.7 lb 2011-02-14
Daily distance 4.31 miles 2011-02-15
Steps taken 9994 steps 2011-02-15
Calories burned 2020 calories 2011-02-15
Calories burned 2166 calories 2011-02-16
Daily distance 4.53 miles 2011-02-16
Steps taken 10535 steps 2011-02-16
Daily distance 6.9 miles 2011-02-17
Hours slept 1.95 hours 2011-02-17
Calories burned 2437 calories 2011-02-17
Steps taken 15882 steps 2011-02-17
Times awakened 1 times 2011-02-17
Steps taken 12053 steps 2011-02-18
Calories burned 2233 calories 2011-02-18
Daily distance 5.23 miles 2011-02-18
Calories burned 2234 calories 2011-02-19
Fat Mass 13.8 lb 2011-02-19
Daily distance 1.8 miles 2011-02-19
Weight 125.1 lb 2011-02-19
Steps taken 4300 steps 2011-02-19
Fat Mass 15.5 lb 2011-02-20
Calories burned 2234 calories 2011-02-20
Weight 126.1 lb 2011-02-20
Calories burned 2234 calories 2011-02-21
Calories burned 2234 calories 2011-02-22
Calories burned 2234 calories 2011-02-23
Fat Mass 13.7 lb 2011-02-24
Calories burned 2234 calories 2011-02-24
Weight 122.5 lb 2011-02-24
Calories burned 2234 calories 2011-02-25
Calories burned 2234 calories 2011-02-26
Weight 123.9 lb 2011-02-26
Fat Mass 12.9 lb 2011-02-26
Calories burned 2234 calories 2011-02-27
Calories burned 2234 calories 2011-02-28
Calories burned 2234 calories 2011-03-01
Calories burned 2234 calories 2011-03-02
Steps taken 21261 steps 2011-03-03
Calories burned 2768 calories 2011-03-03
Daily distance 9.6 miles 2011-03-03
Daily distance 7.75 miles 2011-03-04
Steps taken 16359 steps 2011-03-04
Calories burned 2493 calories 2011-03-04
Daily distance 3.3 miles 2011-03-05
Times awakened 0 times 2011-03-05
Calories burned 1891 calories 2011-03-05
Hours slept 0.23 hours 2011-03-05
Steps taken 7867 steps 2011-03-05
Weight 124.5 lb 2011-03-06
Daily distance 5.49 miles 2011-03-06
Steps taken 12947 steps 2011-03-06
Calories burned 2203 calories 2011-03-06
Fat Mass 13.5 lb 2011-03-06
Calories burned 2161 calories 2011-03-07
Steps taken 10415 steps 2011-03-07
Daily distance 4.37 miles 2011-03-07
Steps taken 15755 steps 2011-03-08
Calories burned 2342 calories 2011-03-08
Daily distance 6.61 miles 2011-03-08
Steps taken 12330 steps 2011-03-09
Calories burned 2126 calories 2011-03-09
Daily distance 5.29 miles 2011-03-09
Times awakened 0 times 2011-03-10
Fat Mass 13.3 lb 2011-03-10
Calories burned 2234 calories 2011-03-10
Weight 124.7 lb 2011-03-10
Hours slept 0.22 hours 2011-03-10
Daily distance 2.53 miles 2011-03-10
Steps taken 5892 steps 2011-03-10
Calories burned 2234 calories 2011-03-11
Daily distance 5.93 miles 2011-03-11
Steps taken 14135 steps 2011-03-11
Steps taken 124 steps 2011-03-12
Calories burned 2234 calories 2011-03-12
Daily distance 0.05 miles 2011-03-12
Calories burned 2234 calories 2011-03-13
Calories burned 2234 calories 2011-03-14
Steps taken 1926 steps 2011-03-15
Calories burned 2234 calories 2011-03-15
Daily distance 0.81 miles 2011-03-15
Calories burned 2234 calories 2011-03-16
Calories burned 2234 calories 2011-03-17
Calories burned 2234 calories 2011-03-18
Daily distance 2.06 miles 2011-03-19
Steps taken 4913 steps 2011-03-19
Calories burned 1823 calories 2011-03-19
Daily distance 0.98 miles 2011-03-20
Hours slept 14.63 hours 2011-03-20
Times awakened 9 times 2011-03-20
Steps taken 1993 steps 2011-03-20
Calories burned 2234 calories 2011-03-20
Hours slept 0.85 hours 2011-03-21
Daily distance 0.82 miles 2011-03-21
Times awakened 0 times 2011-03-21
Steps taken 1950 steps 2011-03-21
Calories burned 2234 calories 2011-03-21
Calories burned 2234 calories 2011-03-22
Steps taken 1959 steps 2011-03-22
Daily distance 0.82 miles 2011-03-22
Calories burned 2234 calories 2011-03-23
Calories burned 2234 calories 2011-03-24
Calories burned 2234 calories 2011-03-24
Fat Mass 13.2 lb 2011-04-01
Weight 124 lb 2011-04-01
Weight 122.7 lb 2011-04-06
Fat Mass 13.6 lb 2011-04-06
Weight 122.1 lb 2011-04-09
Fat Mass 12.3 lb 2011-04-09
Weight 121.9 lb 2011-04-10
Fat Mass 11.6 lb 2011-04-10
Fat Mass 14.1 lb 2011-04-12
Weight 123.6 lb 2011-04-12
Fat Mass 12.1 lb 2011-04-17
Weight 122.4 lb 2011-04-17
Fat Mass 14.5 lb 2011-04-29
Weight 124.3 lb 2011-04-29
Fat Mass 13.3 lb 2011-05-02
Weight 124 lb 2011-05-02
Fat Mass 13.7 lb 2011-05-04
Weight 122.9 lb 2011-05-04
Weight 123.5 lb 2011-05-11
Fat Mass 14 lb 2011-05-11
Fat Mass 14 lb 2011-05-12
Weight 123.3 lb 2011-05-12
Fat Mass 12.6 lb 2011-05-16
Weight 122.7 lb 2011-05-16
Weight 123.5 lb 2011-05-18
Fat Mass 13 lb 2011-05-18
Fat Mass 13.4 lb 2011-05-23
Weight 124.2 lb 2011-05-23
Weight 122.6 lb 2011-06-01
Fat Mass 12.5 lb 2011-06-01
Weight 124.8 lb 2011-06-06
Fat Mass 13.1 lb 2011-06-06
Weight 122.1 lb 2011-06-08
Fat Mass 13.3 lb 2011-06-08
Weight 122.4 lb 2011-06-10
Fat Mass 12.4 lb 2011-06-10
Fat Mass 12.4 lb 2011-06-12
Weight 122.8 lb 2011-06-12
Weight 121.5 lb 2011-06-17
Fat Mass 11.7 lb 2011-06-17
Weight 121.7 lb 2011-06-18
Fat Mass 11.8 lb 2011-06-18
Weight 124.7 lb 2011-06-20
Fat Mass 13.3 lb 2011-06-20
Fat Mass 13.1 lb 2011-06-22
Weight 121.4 lb 2011-06-22
Weight 123 lb 2011-07-22
Fat Mass 12.8 lb 2011-07-22
Weight 124.3 lb 2011-07-25
Fat Mass 13.5 lb 2011-07-25
Weight 122.8 lb 2011-08-02
Fat Mass 13.7 lb 2011-08-02
Fat Mass 12.8 lb 2011-08-03
Weight 123.6 lb 2011-08-03
Weight 120.2 lb 2011-08-12
Fat Mass 11.1 lb 2011-08-12
Weight 119.3 lb 2011-08-20
Fat Mass 11.8 lb 2011-08-20
Weight 118.8 lb 2011-08-21
Fat Mass 10.6 lb 2011-08-21
Fat Mass 11.7 lb 2011-08-25
Weight 118.7 lb 2011-08-25
Weight 118.5 lb 2011-08-26
Fat Mass 10.5 lb 2011-08-26
Weight 118.8 lb 2011-08-28
Fat Mass 10.6 lb 2011-08-28
Weight 118.2 lb 2011-08-30
Fat Mass 11.2 lb 2011-08-30
Weight 119 lb 2011-08-31
Fat Mass 10.5 lb 2011-08-31
Weight 121.9 lb 2011-09-03
Fat Mass 12 lb 2011-09-03
Weight 119.4 lb 2011-09-06
Fat Mass 11.8 lb 2011-09-06
Weight 117.8 lb 2011-09-07
Fat Mass 11 lb 2011-09-07
Fat Mass 10.4 lb 2011-09-10
Weight 118.4 lb 2011-09-10
Weight 118.3 lb 2011-09-11
Fat Mass 10.4 lb 2011-09-11
Fat Mass 10.3 lb 2011-09-12
Weight 118.6 lb 2011-09-12
Fat Mass 10.9 lb 2011-09-14
Weight 119.4 lb 2011-09-14
Weight 118.7 lb 2011-09-15
Fat Mass 10.6 lb 2011-09-15
Fat Mass 10.8 lb 2011-09-16
Weight 119.2 lb 2011-09-16
Fat Mass 11 lb 2011-09-18
Weight 120 lb 2011-09-18
Weight 121.9 lb 2011-09-19
Fat Mass 12 lb 2011-09-19
Fat Mass 10.9 lb 2011-09-23
Weight 119.7 lb 2011-09-23
Weight 121.3 lb 2011-09-27
Fat Mass 11.6 lb 2011-09-27
Weight 119.7 lb 2011-09-29
Fat Mass 12.2 lb 2011-09-29
Weight 121 lb 2011-10-03
Fat Mass 11.8 lb 2011-10-03
Weight 120.2 lb 2011-10-05
Fat Mass 12.2 lb 2011-10-05
Fat Mass 11.9 lb 2011-10-11
Weight 121.8 lb 2011-10-11
Weight 121.3 lb 2011-10-17
Fat Mass 11.4 lb 2011-10-17
Fat Mass 11.3 lb 2011-10-19
Weight 120.5 lb 2011-10-19
Weight 120.6 lb 2011-10-24
Fat Mass 11.3 lb 2011-10-24
Weight 119.8 lb 2011-10-31
Fat Mass 12.1 lb 2011-10-31
Fat Mass 11.1 lb 2011-11-07
Weight 120.7 lb 2011-11-07
Fat Mass 11.5 lb 2011-11-21
Weight 120 lb 2011-11-21
Weight 117.5 lb 2011-11-29
Fat Mass 10 lb 2011-11-29
Weight 119.5 lb 2011-12-16
Fat Mass 11 lb 2011-12-16


Name Date

Updated: 2011-12-16T14:13:33.459Z


PGP Blood Collection Sample 15392103 (whole blood) received 2012-05-02 13:14:18 UTC by Coriell.   Show log
2012-05-02 13:14:18 UTC Coriell Sample received by researcher
2012-05-02 13:14:18 UTC Coriell Sample received by researcher
2012-04-25 22:30:00 UTC Harvard University Sample shipped to Coriell
2012-04-25 21:00:00 UTC Harvard University Sample received by researcher
2012-04-25 21:00:00 UTC hu0E64A1 Sample returned to researcher
2012-04-25 13:00:00 UTC hu0E64A1 Sample received by participant
2012-04-25 02:17:37 UTC Harvard University Sample sent
2012-04-24 20:25:37 UTC Harvard University Sample created
Sample 70685222 (whole blood) received 2012-05-02 13:14:18 UTC by Coriell.   Show log
2012-05-02 13:14:18 UTC Coriell Sample received by researcher
2012-05-02 13:14:18 UTC Coriell Sample received by researcher
2012-04-25 22:30:00 UTC Harvard University Sample shipped to Coriell
2012-04-25 21:00:00 UTC Harvard University Sample received by researcher
2012-04-25 21:00:00 UTC hu0E64A1 Sample returned to researcher
2012-04-25 13:00:00 UTC hu0E64A1 Sample received by participant
2012-04-25 02:17:37 UTC Harvard University Sample sent
2012-04-24 20:25:37 UTC Harvard University Sample created
Sample 56596703 (whole blood) received 2012-05-02 13:14:17 UTC by Coriell.   Show log
2012-05-02 13:14:17 UTC Coriell Sample received by researcher
2012-05-02 13:14:17 UTC Coriell Sample received by researcher
2012-04-25 22:30:00 UTC Harvard University Sample shipped to Coriell
2012-04-25 21:00:00 UTC Harvard University Sample received by researcher
2012-04-25 21:00:00 UTC hu0E64A1 Sample returned to researcher
2012-04-25 13:00:00 UTC hu0E64A1 Sample received by participant
2012-04-25 02:17:37 UTC Harvard University Sample sent
2012-04-24 20:25:37 UTC Harvard University Sample created
Sample 46453371 (whole blood) received 2012-04-26 16:00:00 UTC by Feinstein Institute.   Show log
2012-04-26 16:00:00 UTC Feinstein Institute Sample received by researcher
2012-04-25 21:00:00 UTC hu0E64A1 Sample returned to researcher
2012-04-25 13:00:00 UTC hu0E64A1 Sample received by participant
2012-04-25 02:17:37 UTC Harvard University Sample sent
2012-04-24 20:25:37 UTC Harvard University Sample created
Sample 20736907 (whole blood) received 2012-03-20 01:51:47 UTC by hu0E64A1.   Show log
2012-05-06 21:40:05 UTC hu0E64A1 Marked sample as destroyed
2012-03-20 01:51:47 UTC hu0E64A1 Sample received by participant
2012-03-20 01:25:00 UTC Harvard University / TeloMe, Inc. Sample sent
2012-03-14 20:03:24 UTC Harvard University Sample created
Sample 63692973 (whole blood) received 2012-03-20 01:51:47 UTC by hu0E64A1.   Show log
2012-05-06 21:40:09 UTC hu0E64A1 Marked sample as destroyed
2012-03-20 01:51:47 UTC hu0E64A1 Sample received by participant
2012-03-20 01:25:00 UTC Harvard University / TeloMe, Inc. Sample sent
2012-03-14 20:03:24 UTC Harvard University Sample created
Sample 25514951 (whole blood) received 2012-03-20 01:51:47 UTC by hu0E64A1.   Show log
2012-05-06 21:40:11 UTC hu0E64A1 Marked sample as destroyed
2012-03-20 01:51:47 UTC hu0E64A1 Sample received by participant
2012-03-20 01:25:00 UTC Harvard University / TeloMe, Inc. Sample sent
2012-03-14 20:03:24 UTC Harvard University Sample created
Sample 50465414 (whole blood) received 2012-03-20 01:51:47 UTC by hu0E64A1.   Show log
2012-05-06 21:40:13 UTC hu0E64A1 Marked sample as destroyed
2012-03-20 01:51:47 UTC hu0E64A1 Sample received by participant
2012-03-20 01:25:00 UTC Harvard University / TeloMe, Inc. Sample sent
2012-03-14 20:03:24 UTC Harvard University Sample created
Sample 85708914 (whole blood) received 2012-03-20 01:51:47 UTC by hu0E64A1.   Show log
2012-05-06 21:40:15 UTC hu0E64A1 Marked sample as destroyed
2012-03-20 01:51:47 UTC hu0E64A1 Sample received by participant
2012-03-20 01:25:00 UTC Harvard University / TeloMe, Inc. Sample sent
2012-03-14 20:03:24 UTC Harvard University Sample created
Sample 52655848 (whole blood) received 2012-04-26 16:00:00 UTC by Feinstein Institute.   Show log
2012-04-26 16:00:00 UTC Feinstein Institute Sample received by researcher
2012-04-25 21:00:00 UTC hu0E64A1 Sample returned to researcher
2012-04-25 13:00:00 UTC hu0E64A1 Sample received by participant
2012-04-25 02:17:37 UTC Harvard University Sample sent
2012-04-24 20:25:37 UTC Harvard University Sample created
Saliva Collection for Multiple Studies Sample 55714119 (saliva) mailed 2011-10-18 23:28:34 UTC by hu0E64A1.   Show log
2011-10-18 23:28:34 UTC hu0E64A1 Sample returned to researcher
2011-10-15 00:07:42 UTC hu0E64A1 Sample received by participant
2011-10-13 21:06:51 UTC Harvard University Sample sent
2011-10-03 20:13:13 UTC Harvard University / TeloMe, Inc. Sample created
Sample 94378523 (saliva) received 2011-11-21 22:18:03 UTC by Harvard University.   Show log
2012-04-12 21:03:00 UTC Harvard University / TeloMe, Inc. A new sample 67429707 was derived from this sample
2011-11-21 22:18:34 UTC Harvard University Sample transferred to plate 73845648 (id=5) well A07 (id=7)
2011-11-21 22:18:03 UTC Harvard University Sample received by researcher (scan)
2011-10-18 23:28:34 UTC hu0E64A1 Sample returned to researcher
2011-10-15 00:07:42 UTC hu0E64A1 Sample received by participant
2011-10-13 21:06:51 UTC Harvard University Sample sent
2011-10-03 20:13:13 UTC Harvard University / TeloMe, Inc. Sample created
Human Microbiome: diversity of microorganisms on and in the human body Sample 33207454 (microbiome) received 2012-04-26 16:00:00 UTC by Harvard University.   Show log
2012-04-26 16:00:00 UTC Harvard University Sample claimed and received from participant at GET2012
2012-05-01 18:46:07 UTC hu0E64A1 Sample returned to researcher
2012-05-01 18:45:52 UTC hu0E64A1 Sample received by participant
2012-04-25 02:18:03 UTC Harvard University Sample sent
2012-04-23 17:00:54 UTC hu5D9DE3 Sample created
Sample 19807615 (microbiome) received 2012-04-26 16:00:00 UTC by Harvard University.   Show log
2012-04-26 16:00:00 UTC Harvard University Sample claimed and received from participant at GET2012
2012-05-01 18:46:07 UTC hu0E64A1 Sample returned to researcher
2012-05-01 18:45:52 UTC hu0E64A1 Sample received by participant
2012-04-25 02:18:03 UTC Harvard University Sample sent
2012-04-23 17:00:54 UTC hu5D9DE3 Sample created
Sample 81162143 (microbiome) received 2012-04-26 16:00:00 UTC by Harvard University.   Show log
2012-04-26 16:00:00 UTC Harvard University Sample claimed and received from participant at GET2012
2012-05-01 18:46:07 UTC hu0E64A1 Sample returned to researcher
2012-05-01 18:45:52 UTC hu0E64A1 Sample received by participant
2012-04-25 02:18:03 UTC Harvard University Sample sent
2012-04-23 17:00:54 UTC hu5D9DE3 Sample created
Sample 51555304 (microbiome) received 2012-04-26 16:00:00 UTC by Harvard University.   Show log
2012-04-26 16:00:00 UTC Harvard University Sample claimed and received from participant at GET2012
2012-05-01 18:46:07 UTC hu0E64A1 Sample returned to researcher
2012-05-01 18:45:52 UTC hu0E64A1 Sample received by participant
2012-04-25 02:18:03 UTC Harvard University Sample sent
2012-04-23 17:00:54 UTC hu5D9DE3 Sample created
Sample 38018876 (microbiome) received 2012-04-26 16:00:00 UTC by Harvard University.   Show log
2012-04-26 16:00:00 UTC Harvard University Sample claimed and received from participant at GET2012
2012-05-01 18:46:07 UTC hu0E64A1 Sample returned to researcher
2012-05-01 18:45:52 UTC hu0E64A1 Sample received by participant
2012-04-25 02:18:03 UTC Harvard University Sample sent
2012-04-23 17:00:54 UTC hu5D9DE3 Sample created
Saliva Re-collection for Multiple Studies Sample 14667089 (saliva) received 2012-04-11 16:23:03 UTC by Harvard University / TeloMe, Inc..   Show log
2012-04-11 16:23:03 UTC Harvard University / TeloMe, Inc. Sample received by researcher
2012-03-16 14:24:22 UTC hu0E64A1 Sample returned to researcher
2012-03-15 03:26:15 UTC hu0E64A1 Sample received by participant
2012-03-09 23:22:54 UTC Harvard University / TeloMe, Inc. Sample sent
2012-03-06 15:28:38 UTC Harvard University / TeloMe, Inc. Sample created
Sample 42104375 (saliva) received 2012-04-11 16:23:07 UTC by Harvard University / TeloMe, Inc..   Show log
2012-04-11 16:23:07 UTC Harvard University / TeloMe, Inc. Sample received by researcher
2012-03-16 14:24:22 UTC hu0E64A1 Sample returned to researcher
2012-03-15 03:26:15 UTC hu0E64A1 Sample received by participant
2012-03-09 23:22:54 UTC Harvard University / TeloMe, Inc. Sample sent
2012-03-06 15:28:38 UTC Harvard University / TeloMe, Inc. Sample created
Sample 74733070 (saliva) received 2012-04-13 20:11:44 UTC by Harvard University / TeloMe, Inc..   Show log
2012-04-13 20:11:44 UTC Harvard University / TeloMe, Inc. Sample received by researcher
2012-03-16 14:24:22 UTC hu0E64A1 Sample returned to researcher
2012-03-15 03:26:15 UTC hu0E64A1 Sample received by participant
2012-03-09 23:22:54 UTC Harvard University / TeloMe, Inc. Sample sent
2012-03-06 15:28:38 UTC Harvard University / TeloMe, Inc. Sample created

Uploaded data

Date Data type Source Name Download Report
2013-08-07 Complete Genomics PGP CGI sample GS01173-DNA_B02 masterVarBeta report (243 MB)
2012-07-08 Complete Genomics PGP CGI sample GS01173-DNA_B02 from PGP sample 94378523 Download
(247 MB)
View report
• male
• 2,766,784,214 positions covered
• ref. b37
2011-07-26 23andMe Participant 23andMe July 2011 Download
(4.8 MB)
View report
• male
• 575,011 positions covered
• ref. b36

Geographic Information

State:New York
Zip code:10001

Family Members Enrolled

None added.


PGP Participant Survey Responses submitted 10/7/2011 14:01:23. Show responses
Timestamp 10/7/2011 14:01:23
Year of birth 21-29 years
Which statement best describes you? I am comfortable making my genome sequence data publicly available without prior review.
Severe disease or rare genetic trait No
Sex/Gender Male
Race/ethnicity White
Maternal grandmother: Country of origin Austria
Paternal grandmother: Country of origin Other / don't know / no response
Paternal grandfather: Country of origin Other / don't know / no response
Maternal grandfather: Country of origin Italy
Enrollment of relatives No
Enrollment of older individuals No
Enrollment of parents No
Have you uploaded genetic data to your PGP participant profile? Yes, I have uploaded genetic data
Have you used the PGP web interface to record a designated proxy? Yes
Have you uploaded health record data using our Google Health or Microsoft Healthvault interfaces? Yes
Uploaded health records: Update status Yes
Uploaded health records: Extensiveness 3
Blood sample Yes
Saliva sample Yes
Microbiome samples Yes
Tissue samples from surgery No
Tissue samples from autopsy Yes
PGP Fall/Winter 2011 Saliva Kit: Small Tube Collection Survey Responses submitted 10/23/2011 15:55:54. Show responses
Timestamp 10/23/2011 15:55:54
Which sample tube did you just collect? Small tube
How easy was this sample tube to use for collection? 4
Do you have any gum bleeding or gingivitis (gum inflammation)? No
Did you collect this sample all at once, or at multiple timepoints? All at once (in 5 to 10 minutes)
What time of day did you collect saliva? Very first thing in the morning, right after waking & before eating or drinking anything
Did you chew gum shortly before collection? No, no gum shortly before collection
When was the last time you brushed and/or flossed? 6 - 12 hours before collection
Did you eat anything between the last time you brushed and/or flossed and the saliva collection? No, no eating between last brushing and collection
When was the last time you used mouthwash? Not applicable: I rarely or never use mouthwash
Did you eat anything between the last time you used mouthwash and the saliva collection? Not applicable: I rarely or never use mouthwash
PGP Fall/Winter 2011 Saliva Kit: Large Tube Collection Survey Responses submitted 10/23/2011 15:57:04. Show responses
Timestamp 10/23/2011 15:57:04
Which sample tube did you just collect? Big tube
How easy was this sample tube to use for collection? 4
Do you have any gum bleeding or gingivitis (gum inflammation)? No
Did you collect this sample all at once, or at multiple timepoints? All at once (in more than 10 minutes)
What time of day did you collect saliva? Very first thing in the morning, right after waking & before eating or drinking anything
Did you chew gum shortly before collection? No, no gum shortly before collection
When was the last time you brushed and/or flossed? 6 - 12 hours before collection
Did you eat anything between the last time you brushed and/or flossed and the saliva collection? No, no eating between last brushing and collection
When was the last time you used mouthwash? Not applicable: I rarely or never use mouthwash
Did you eat anything between the last time you used mouthwash and the saliva collection? Not applicable: I rarely or never use mouthwash
If you have any specific comments regarding the sample you collected with this sample tube, please note them here. I collected the sample for the large and small tubes at the same time
PGP Trait & Disease Survey 2012: Cancers Responses submitted 2/3/2013 21:26:12. Show responses
Timestamp 2/3/2013 21:26:12
PGP Trait & Disease Survey 2012: Cancers Responses submitted 2/3/2013 21:26:59. Show responses
Timestamp 2/3/2013 21:26:59
Other condition not listed here? None
PGP Trait & Disease Survey 2012: Endocrine, Metabolic, Nutritional, and Immunity Responses submitted 2/3/2013 21:27:26. Show responses
Timestamp 2/3/2013 21:27:26
Other condition not listed here? None
PGP Trait & Disease Survey 2012: Blood Responses submitted 2/3/2013 21:27:45. Show responses
Timestamp 2/3/2013 21:27:45
Other condition not listed here? None
PGP Trait & Disease Survey 2012: Nervous System Responses submitted 2/3/2013 21:28:06. Show responses
Timestamp 2/3/2013 21:28:06
Other condition not listed here? None
PGP Trait & Disease Survey 2012: Vision and hearing Responses submitted 2/3/2013 21:29:27. Show responses
Timestamp 2/3/2013 21:29:27
Have you ever been diagnosed with one of the following conditions? Myopia (Nearsightedness), Astigmatism
PGP Trait & Disease Survey 2012: Circulatory System Responses submitted 2/3/2013 21:29:52. Show responses
Timestamp 2/3/2013 21:29:52
Have you ever been diagnosed with one of the following conditions? Hemorrhoids
PGP Trait & Disease Survey 2012: Respiratory System Responses submitted 2/3/2013 21:30:14. Show responses
Timestamp 2/3/2013 21:30:14
Other condition not listed here? None
PGP Trait & Disease Survey 2012: Digestive System Responses submitted 2/3/2013 21:31:28. Show responses
Timestamp 2/3/2013 21:31:28
Have you ever been diagnosed with any of the following conditions? Impacted tooth, Dental cavities
PGP Trait & Disease Survey 2012: Genitourinary Systems Responses submitted 2/3/2013 21:32:23. Show responses
Timestamp 2/3/2013 21:32:23
Other condition not listed here? none
PGP Trait & Disease Survey 2012: Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue Responses submitted 2/3/2013 21:32:44. Show responses
Timestamp 2/3/2013 21:32:44
Have you ever been diagnosed with any of the following conditions? Acne
PGP Trait & Disease Survey 2012: Musculoskeletal System and Connective Tissue Responses submitted 2/3/2013 21:34:18. Show responses
Timestamp 2/3/2013 21:34:18
Other condition not listed here? none
PGP Trait & Disease Survey 2012: Congenital Traits and Anomalies Responses submitted 2/3/2013 21:35:03. Show responses
Timestamp 2/3/2013 21:35:03
Other condition not listed here? none
PGP Basic Phenotypes Survey 2015 Responses submitted 8/26/2015 11:25:37. Show responses
Timestamp 8/26/2015 11:25:37
1.1 — Blood Type Don't know
1.2 — Height 5'4"
1.3 — Weight 130
2.1 — Left Eye (Photograph Number) (full-size image: 2
2.2 — Right Eye (Photograph Number) (full-size image: 2
2.3 — Left Eye Color - Text Description Blue
2.4 — Right Eye Color - Text Description Same
3.1 — What is your natural hair color currently, when without artificial color or dye? brown
3.2 — Hair Color - Text Description Dirty blonde
1.4 — Handedness Right

Absolute Pitch Survey [see all responses]

Can tell if notes are in tune: Not sure
Can sing a melody on key: Not sure
Can recognize musical intervals: No
Do you have absolute pitch? No

Enrollment History

Participant ID:hu0E64A1
Account created:2011-01-07 15:13:39 UTC
Eligibility screening:2011-01-07 15:37:18 UTC (passed v2)
Exam:2011-01-07 16:02:38 UTC (passed v2)
Consent:2022-02-05 17:38:47 UTC (passed v20210712)
Enrolled:2011-01-11 14:46:32 UTC