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Public Profile -- huA2961E

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Personal Health Records

Demographic Information

Date of Birth1953-05-07 (71 years old)
Weight205lbs (93kg)
Height5ft 10in (177cm)
Blood Type


Name Start Date End Date
Lactose Intolerance
atherosclerosis of vertebral artery (which?)
dyspnea, unexplained
cerumen impaction, occasional recurrent
nevi, facial, 1-2
Torus mandibulari
appendicitis, acute
Attention Deficit Disorder
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Depressive disorder
diverticulosis, mild, entire colon
esophageal spasm, acute
hypertension, essential
hypospadias, penile glandular
lumbar spinal stenosis & left S-1 radiculopathy
hernia, right inguinal
headaches, severe, acute, bilat, frequent
hemorrhoids, internal & external
infarcts, multiple lacunar
memory impairment, age associated
molars, impacted bilaterally (Wisdom Teeth)
Onychomycosis, toenail
prostate nodule
REM Sleep Behavior
scotomas, transient, scintillating, left visual field
Seasonal Affective Disorder
seasonal rhinitis
Tenosynovitis, DeQuervain's, right
varicocele, left
visual changes, age-related
Vitamin D Deficiency


Name Dosage Frequency Start Date End Date
Aspirin Oral Tablet 81 Milligram (mg) Take 1, 1
atorvastatin Oral Tablet 10 Milligram (mg) Take 1, 1
Bupropion Extended Release Tablet 150 Milligram (mg) Take 1, 1
Bupropion Extended Release Tablet 300 Milligram (mg) Take 1, 1
Cetirizine Oral Tablet 10 Milligram (mg) Take 1, 1
Methylphenidate Extended Release Tablet 36 Milligram (mg) Take 1, 1
Escitalopram Oral Tablet 10 Milligram (mg) Take 1, 1
Eszopiclone Oral Tablet 3 Milligram (mg) Take 1, 1
Levothyroxine 75 Micrograms (mcg) Take 1, 1
Losartan 50 MG Oral Tablet 50 Milligram (mg) Take 1, 1
Melatonin 10 Milligram (mg) Take 1, 1
Vitamin D Oral Tablet 2000 International unit (iu) Take 1, 1


Name Reaction/Severity Start Date End Date
house dust and house dust mites nasal congestion / runny nose
no drug allergies


Name Date
Total colonoscopy
Transurethral cystoscopy 2017-05-01
EEG 2015-11-20
Open Carpal Tunnel Release revision with pedicle type hypothenar fat pad transfer graft 2013-12-10
endoscopic carpal tunnel release 2013-09-10
de Quervain's 1st dorsal compartment release Jan 2013 2013-01-02
echocardiogram, dobutamine stress 2012-07-17
Primary lumbar mini-discectomy and laminectomy 2012-06-25
Tb skin test 2011-01-01
Torus mandibulari, removal 2006-03-20
prostate needle biopsy, ultrasound-guided 2005-01-01
inguinal herniorrhaphy 2003-01-01
Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty, tonsillectomy, nasal turbinate reduction 1990-12-01
varicocele repair 1975-12-01
molar extraction, bilat (4 Wisdom Teeth) 1974-12-01
Appendectomy 1971-12-01

Test Results

Name Result Date


Name Date
Afluria 2016-12-28
Influenza Vaccine 2015-10-12
Influenza Vaccine 2014-12-30
Influenza Vaccine 2013-12-03
Tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis vaccine (Tdap) 2013-05-20
Shingles (herpes zoster) vaccine 2013-05-20
Hepatitis B vaccine (HepB) Adult 2011-12-15
Pneumococcal, 23-valent 1989-01-01

Updated: 2017-06-28T14:37:41.767913


None available.

Uploaded data

Date Data type Source Name Download Report
2017-06-03 my SNP's in text version from my DNA from Participant DNA, LLC Download
(18 MB)
2017-05-24 Family Tree DNA Participant Family Tree DNA Y-DNA STR Download
(1.03 MB)
2016-09-10 Family Tree DNA Participant Shawny Boy Download
(1.03 KB)

Geographic Information

Zip code:85259

Family Members Enrolled

None added.


PGP Participant Survey Responses submitted 6/28/2017 18:39:53. Show responses
Timestamp 6/28/2017 18:39:53
Year of birth 1953
Sex/Gender Male
Race/ethnicity White
Maternal grandmother: Country of origin United States
Paternal grandmother: Country of origin United States
Paternal grandfather: Country of origin United States
Maternal grandfather: Country of origin United States
Month of birth May
Anatomical sex at birth Male
Maternal grandmother: Race/ethnicity White
Maternal grandfather: Race/ethnicity White
Paternal grandmother: Race/ethnicity White
Paternal grandfather: Race/ethnicity White
PGP Trait & Disease Survey 2012: Cancers Responses submitted 6/28/2017 18:41:31. Show responses
Timestamp 6/28/2017 18:41:31
PGP Trait & Disease Survey 2012: Endocrine, Metabolic, Nutritional, and Immunity Responses submitted 6/28/2017 18:42:34. Show responses
Timestamp 6/28/2017 18:42:34
Have you ever been diagnosed with any of the following conditions? Hypothyroidism, Lactose intolerance, High triglycerides (hypertriglyceridemia)
PGP Trait & Disease Survey 2012: Blood Responses submitted 6/28/2017 18:43:13. Show responses
Timestamp 6/28/2017 18:43:13
PGP Trait & Disease Survey 2012: Nervous System Responses submitted 6/28/2017 18:44:25. Show responses
Timestamp 6/28/2017 18:44:25
Have you ever been diagnosed with one of the following conditions? Chronic tension headaches (15+ days per month, at least 6 months), Migraine without aura, Carpal tunnel syndrome
PGP Trait & Disease Survey 2012: Vision and hearing Responses submitted 6/28/2017 18:47:04. Show responses
Timestamp 6/28/2017 18:47:04
Have you ever been diagnosed with one of the following conditions? Astigmatism, Floaters, Tinnitus
PGP Trait & Disease Survey 2012: Circulatory System Responses submitted 6/28/2017 18:48:05. Show responses
Timestamp 6/28/2017 18:48:05
Have you ever been diagnosed with one of the following conditions? Hypertension, Varicose veins, Hemorrhoids, Varicocele
PGP Trait & Disease Survey 2012: Respiratory System Responses submitted 6/28/2017 18:48:48. Show responses
Timestamp 6/28/2017 18:48:48
Have you ever been diagnosed with any of the following conditions? Deviated septum, Allergic rhinitis
PGP Trait & Disease Survey 2012: Digestive System Responses submitted 6/28/2017 18:49:46. Show responses
Timestamp 6/28/2017 18:49:46
Have you ever been diagnosed with any of the following conditions? Impacted tooth, Dental cavities, Appendicitis, Inguinal hernia, Diverticulosis
PGP Trait & Disease Survey 2012: Genitourinary Systems Responses submitted 6/28/2017 18:50:37. Show responses
Timestamp 6/28/2017 18:50:37
PGP Trait & Disease Survey 2012: Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue Responses submitted 6/28/2017 18:51:36. Show responses
Timestamp 6/28/2017 18:51:36
Have you ever been diagnosed with any of the following conditions? Dandruff, Skin tags, Acne, Dermatographia
PGP Trait & Disease Survey 2012: Musculoskeletal System and Connective Tissue Responses submitted 6/28/2017 18:52:47. Show responses
Timestamp 6/28/2017 18:52:47
Have you ever been diagnosed with any of the following conditions? Osteoarthritis, Spinal stenosis
PGP Trait & Disease Survey 2012: Congenital Traits and Anomalies Responses submitted 6/28/2017 18:58:24. Show responses
Timestamp 6/28/2017 18:58:24
Have you ever been diagnosed with any of the following conditions? Hypospadias
PGP Basic Phenotypes Survey 2015 Responses submitted 6/29/2017 19:26:59. Show responses
Timestamp 6/29/2017 19:26:59
1.1 — Blood Type O -
1.2 — Height 5'10"
1.3 — Weight 205
1.4 — Comments I write with my right hand but I throw better with my left - and my left eye and left leg are dominant
2.1 — Left Eye (Photograph Number) (full-size image: 15
2.2 — Right Eye (Photograph Number) (full-size image: 15
2.3 — Left Eye Color - Text Description hazel
2.4 — Right Eye Color - Text Description same
2.5 —Comments When I was young my eyes were brown. In my late teens they became hazel.
3.1 — What is your natural hair color currently, when without artificial color or dye? brown
3.2 — Hair Color - Text Description brown (although its mostly gray now)
1.4 — Handedness Right
PGP Trait & Disease Survey 2012: Endocrine, Metabolic, Nutritional, and Immunity Responses submitted 6/17/2018 17:07:48. Show responses
Timestamp 6/17/2018 17:07:48
Have you ever been diagnosed with any of the following conditions? Hypothyroidism, Lactose intolerance, High triglycerides (hypertriglyceridemia)
Harvard PGP: COVID-19 Demographics Survey Responses submitted 3/27/2020 16:32:18. Show responses
Timestamp 3/27/2020 16:32:18
What is the zip code of your primary residence? 85259
Do have another residence where you spend more than 30 days a year? No
What is your age (in years)? 67
What is your gender? Male
Select all the following that apply to your current living arrangements. Live with partner/spouse
What is your race? Pick all that apply. White
What is your ethnicity? Not Hispanic or Latino or Spanish Origin
Select which one of the following applies to you and your birth status. None of the above
Have you ever been diagnosed with any of the following? [Asthma (Adult)] No
Have you ever been diagnosed with any of the following? [Asthma (Childhood)] No
Have you ever been diagnosed with any of the following? [Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)] No
Have you ever been diagnosed with any of the following? [Emphysema] No
Have you ever been diagnosed with any of the following? [Chronic bronchitis] No
Have you ever been diagnosed with any of the following? [Pneumonia] No
Have you ever been diagnosed with any of the following? [Type 1 Diabetes] No
Have you ever been diagnosed with any of the following? [Type 2 Diabetes] No
Have you ever smoked tobacco products? Yes
Do you currently smoke tobacco products? No
What is the average number of cigarettes (# of cigarettes not packs) you smoke per day? Don't currently smoke
Have you ever used e-cigarettes (e.g. JUUL, Vuse, MarkTen)? No
Which one of the following best describes your employment status for the past 3 months? Retired
Harvard PGP: COVID-19 Health Assessment for Week of 22-28 March 2020 Responses submitted 3/27/2020 16:36:43. Show responses
Timestamp 3/27/2020 16:36:43
Since Jan 1, 2020, have you been ill with a cold or flu-like illness? No
Since Jan 1, 2020, have you experienced any of the following symptoms? [Persistent high fever of 38°C (100.4°F) or higher, lasting for a day or more] No
Since Jan 1, 2020, have you experienced any of the following symptoms? [Feeling cold, chills or shivers] No
Since Jan 1, 2020, have you experienced any of the following symptoms? [Headache] No
Since Jan 1, 2020, have you experienced any of the following symptoms? [Aches all over the body] Yes
Since Jan 1, 2020, have you experienced any of the following symptoms? [Cough] Yes
Since Jan 1, 2020, have you experienced any of the following symptoms? [Rapid breathing] No
Since Jan 1, 2020, have you experienced any of the following symptoms? [Shortness of breath] No
Since Jan 1, 2020, have you experienced any of the following symptoms? [Wheezing or chest tightness] No
Since Jan 1, 2020, have you experienced any of the following symptoms? [Persistent pain or pressure in the chest] No
Since Jan 1, 2020, have you experienced any of the following symptoms? [Bluish lips or face] No
Since Jan 1, 2020, have you experienced any of the following symptoms? [Dizziness] Yes
Since Jan 1, 2020, have you experienced any of the following symptoms? [Confusion or inability to arouse] No
Since Jan 1, 2020, have you experienced any of the following symptoms? [Running nose] Yes
Since Jan 1, 2020, have you experienced any of the following symptoms? [Sore throat] Yes
Since Jan 1, 2020, have you experienced any of the following symptoms? [Nausea] No
Since Jan 1, 2020, have you experienced any of the following symptoms? [Vomiting] No
Since Jan 1, 2020, have you experienced any of the following symptoms? [Abdominal pain] No
Since Jan 1, 2020, have you experienced any of the following symptoms? [Diarrhea] No
Since Jan 1, 2020, have you experienced any of the following symptoms? [Pink eye (conjunctivitis)] No
Since Jan 1, 2020, have you experienced any of the following symptoms? [Loss of sense of smell] No
Since Jan 1, 2020, have you experienced any of the following symptoms? [Loss of sense of taste] No
Are you currently experiencing any of the following symptoms? [Persistent high fever of 38°C (100.4°F) or higher, lasting for a day or more] No
Are you currently experiencing any of the following symptoms? [Feeling cold, chills or shivers] No
Are you currently experiencing any of the following symptoms? [Headache] No
Are you currently experiencing any of the following symptoms? [Aches all over the body] No
Are you currently experiencing any of the following symptoms? [Cough] Yes
Are you currently experiencing any of the following symptoms? [Rapid breathing] No
Are you currently experiencing any of the following symptoms? [Shortness of breath] No
Are you currently experiencing any of the following symptoms? [Wheezing or chest tightness] No
Are you currently experiencing any of the following symptoms? [Persistent pain or pressure in the chest] No
Are you currently experiencing any of the following symptoms? [Bluish lips or face] No
Are you currently experiencing any of the following symptoms? [Dizziness] No
Are you currently experiencing any of the following symptoms? [Confusion or inability to arouse] No
Are you currently experiencing any of the following symptoms? [Running nose] Yes
Are you currently experiencing any of the following symptoms? [Sore throat] Yes
Are you currently experiencing any of the following symptoms? [Nausea] No
Are you currently experiencing any of the following symptoms? [Vomiting] No
Are you currently experiencing any of the following symptoms? [Abdominal Pain] No
Are you currently experiencing any of the following symptoms? [Diarrhea] No
Are you currently experiencing any of the following symptoms? [Pink eye (conjunctivitis)] No
Are you currently experiencing any of the following symptoms? [Loss of sense of smell] No
Are you currently experiencing any of the following symptoms? [Loss of sense of taste] No
Are you regularly taking any of the following medications? Please choose all those that apply. losartan (e.g. Cozaar)
Have you been tested for coronavirus (COVID-19) by a medical doctor or other official testing service? No, I have not tried to get tested
In the past 4 weeks, have you been in close contact with a person who has tested positive for coronavirus (COVID-19)? No
In the past 4 weeks, have you been in close contact with a person who has symptoms consistent with coronavirus (COVID-19) but has not been tested? No
Harvard PGP: COVID-19 Health Assessment for Week of 29 March- 4 April 2020 Responses submitted 3/30/2020 15:20:39. Show responses
Timestamp 3/30/2020 15:20:39
Since Jan 1, 2020, have you been ill with a cold or flu-like illness? Yes
Since Jan 1, 2020, have you experienced any of the following symptoms? [Persistent high fever of 38°C (100.4°F) or higher, lasting for a day or more] No
Since Jan 1, 2020, have you experienced any of the following symptoms? [Feeling cold, chills or shivers] No
Since Jan 1, 2020, have you experienced any of the following symptoms? [Headache] No
Since Jan 1, 2020, have you experienced any of the following symptoms? [Aches all over the body] No
Since Jan 1, 2020, have you experienced any of the following symptoms? [Cough] Yes
Since Jan 1, 2020, have you experienced any of the following symptoms? [Rapid breathing] No
Since Jan 1, 2020, have you experienced any of the following symptoms? [Shortness of breath] No
Since Jan 1, 2020, have you experienced any of the following symptoms? [Wheezing or chest tightness] No
Since Jan 1, 2020, have you experienced any of the following symptoms? [Persistent pain or pressure in the chest] No
Since Jan 1, 2020, have you experienced any of the following symptoms? [Bluish lips or face] No
Since Jan 1, 2020, have you experienced any of the following symptoms? [Dizziness] Yes
Since Jan 1, 2020, have you experienced any of the following symptoms? [Confusion or inability to arouse] No
Since Jan 1, 2020, have you experienced any of the following symptoms? [Running nose] Yes
Since Jan 1, 2020, have you experienced any of the following symptoms? [Sore throat] Yes
Since Jan 1, 2020, have you experienced any of the following symptoms? [Nausea] No
Since Jan 1, 2020, have you experienced any of the following symptoms? [Vomiting] No
Since Jan 1, 2020, have you experienced any of the following symptoms? [Abdominal pain] Yes
Since Jan 1, 2020, have you experienced any of the following symptoms? [Diarrhea] Yes
Since Jan 1, 2020, have you experienced any of the following symptoms? [Pink eye (conjunctivitis)] No
Since Jan 1, 2020, have you experienced any of the following symptoms? [Loss of sense of smell] No
Since Jan 1, 2020, have you experienced any of the following symptoms? [Loss of sense of taste] No
Are you currently experiencing any of the following symptoms? [Persistent high fever of 38°C (100.4°F) or higher, lasting for a day or more] No
Are you currently experiencing any of the following symptoms? [Feeling cold, chills or shivers] No
Are you currently experiencing any of the following symptoms? [Headache] No
Are you currently experiencing any of the following symptoms? [Aches all over the body] No
Are you currently experiencing any of the following symptoms? [Cough] No
Are you currently experiencing any of the following symptoms? [Rapid breathing] No
Are you currently experiencing any of the following symptoms? [Shortness of breath] No
Are you currently experiencing any of the following symptoms? [Wheezing or chest tightness] No
Are you currently experiencing any of the following symptoms? [Persistent pain or pressure in the chest] No
Are you currently experiencing any of the following symptoms? [Bluish lips or face] No
Are you currently experiencing any of the following symptoms? [Dizziness] No
Are you currently experiencing any of the following symptoms? [Confusion or inability to arouse] No
Are you currently experiencing any of the following symptoms? [Running nose] Yes
Are you currently experiencing any of the following symptoms? [Sore throat] No
Are you currently experiencing any of the following symptoms? [Nausea] No
Are you currently experiencing any of the following symptoms? [Vomiting] No
Are you currently experiencing any of the following symptoms? [Abdominal Pain] No
Are you currently experiencing any of the following symptoms? [Diarrhea] No
Are you currently experiencing any of the following symptoms? [Pink eye (conjunctivitis)] No
Are you currently experiencing any of the following symptoms? [Loss of sense of smell] No
Are you currently experiencing any of the following symptoms? [Loss of sense of taste] No
Are you regularly taking any of the following medications? Please choose all those that apply. losartan (e.g. Cozaar)
Have you been tested for coronavirus (COVID-19) by a medical doctor or other official testing service? No, I have not tried to get tested
In the past 4 weeks, have you been in close contact with a person who has tested positive for coronavirus (COVID-19)? No
In the past 4 weeks, have you been in close contact with a person who has symptoms consistent with coronavirus (COVID-19) but has not been tested? No
Harvard PGP: COVID-19 Demographics Survey Responses submitted 3/30/2020 15:24:53. Show responses
Timestamp 3/30/2020 15:24:53
What is the zip code of your primary residence? 85259
Do have another residence where you spend more than 30 days a year? No
What is your age (in years)? 67
What is your gender? Male
Select all the following that apply to your current living arrangements. Live with partner/spouse
What is your race? Pick all that apply. White
What is your ethnicity? Not Hispanic or Latino or Spanish Origin
Select which one of the following applies to you and your birth status. None of the above
Have you ever been diagnosed with any of the following? [Asthma (Adult)] No
Have you ever been diagnosed with any of the following? [Asthma (Childhood)] No
Have you ever been diagnosed with any of the following? [Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)] No
Have you ever been diagnosed with any of the following? [Emphysema] No
Have you ever been diagnosed with any of the following? [Chronic bronchitis] No
Have you ever been diagnosed with any of the following? [Pneumonia] No
Have you ever been diagnosed with any of the following? [Type 1 Diabetes] No
Have you ever been diagnosed with any of the following? [Type 2 Diabetes] No
Have you ever smoked tobacco products? Yes
Do you currently smoke tobacco products? No
What is the average number of cigarettes (# of cigarettes not packs) you smoke per day? Don't currently smoke
Have you ever used e-cigarettes (e.g. JUUL, Vuse, MarkTen)? No
Which one of the following best describes your employment status for the past 3 months? Retired
Harvard PGP: COVID-19 Health Assessment for Week of 5 April - 11 April 2020 Responses submitted 4/7/2020 15:26:05. Show responses
Timestamp 4/7/2020 15:26:05
Since Jan 1, 2020, have you been ill with a cold or flu-like illness? No
Currently are you experiencing ANY of the above list of symptoms? Yes
Indicate which of the following symptoms you are currently experiencing. [Persistent high fever of 38°C (100.4°F) or higher, lasting for a day or more] No
Indicate which of the following symptoms you are currently experiencing. [Feeling cold, chills or shivers] No
Indicate which of the following symptoms you are currently experiencing. [Headache] No
Indicate which of the following symptoms you are currently experiencing. [Aches all over the body] No
Indicate which of the following symptoms you are currently experiencing. [Cough] No
Indicate which of the following symptoms you are currently experiencing. [Rapid breathing] No
Indicate which of the following symptoms you are currently experiencing. [Shortness of breath] No
Indicate which of the following symptoms you are currently experiencing. [Wheezing or chest tightness] No
Indicate which of the following symptoms you are currently experiencing. [Persistent pain or pressure in the chest] No
Indicate which of the following symptoms you are currently experiencing. [Bluish lips or face] No
Indicate which of the following symptoms you are currently experiencing. [Dizziness] No
Indicate which of the following symptoms you are currently experiencing. [Confusion or inability to arouse] No
Indicate which of the following symptoms you are currently experiencing. [Running nose] Yes
Indicate which of the following symptoms you are currently experiencing. [Sore throat] No
Indicate which of the following symptoms you are currently experiencing. [Nausea] No
Indicate which of the following symptoms you are currently experiencing. [Vomiting] No
Indicate which of the following symptoms you are currently experiencing. [Abdominal Pain] No
Indicate which of the following symptoms you are currently experiencing. [Diarrhea] No
Indicate which of the following symptoms you are currently experiencing. [Pink eye (conjunctivitis)] No
Indicate which of the following symptoms you are currently experiencing. [Loss of sense of smell] No
Indicate which of the following symptoms you are currently experiencing. [Loss of sense of taste] No
In the past two weeks, have you experienced ANY of the above list of symptoms? Yes
In the past 2 weeks, which symptoms have you experienced. [Persistent high fever of 38°C (100.4°F) or higher, lasting for a day or more] No
In the past 2 weeks, which symptoms have you experienced. [Feeling cold, chills or shivers] No
In the past 2 weeks, which symptoms have you experienced. [Headache] No
In the past 2 weeks, which symptoms have you experienced. [Aches all over the body] No
In the past 2 weeks, which symptoms have you experienced. [Cough] No
In the past 2 weeks, which symptoms have you experienced. [Rapid breathing] No
In the past 2 weeks, which symptoms have you experienced. [Shortness of breath] No
In the past 2 weeks, which symptoms have you experienced. [Wheezing or chest tightness] No
In the past 2 weeks, which symptoms have you experienced. [Persistent pain or pressure in the chest] No
In the past 2 weeks, which symptoms have you experienced. [Bluish lips or face] No
In the past 2 weeks, which symptoms have you experienced. [Dizziness] No
In the past 2 weeks, which symptoms have you experienced. [Confusion or inability to arouse] No
In the past 2 weeks, which symptoms have you experienced. [Running nose] Yes
In the past 2 weeks, which symptoms have you experienced. [Sore throat] No
In the past 2 weeks, which symptoms have you experienced. [Nausea] No
In the past 2 weeks, which symptoms have you experienced. [Vomiting] No
In the past 2 weeks, which symptoms have you experienced. [Abdominal pain] No
In the past 2 weeks, which symptoms have you experienced. [Diarrhea] No
In the past 2 weeks, which symptoms have you experienced. [Pink eye (conjunctivitis)] No
In the past 2 weeks, which symptoms have you experienced. [Loss of sense of smell] No
In the past 2 weeks, which symptoms have you experienced. [Loss of sense of taste] No
Since Jan 1, 2020, to the best of your recollection,have you experienced ANY of the above list of symptoms? Yes
Since Jan 1, 2020, to the best of your recollection which symptoms have you experienced. [Persistent high fever of 38°C (100.4°F) or higher, lasting for a day or more] No
Since Jan 1, 2020, to the best of your recollection which symptoms have you experienced. [Feeling cold, chills or shivers] No
Since Jan 1, 2020, to the best of your recollection which symptoms have you experienced. [Headache] No
Since Jan 1, 2020, to the best of your recollection which symptoms have you experienced. [Aches all over the body] Yes
Since Jan 1, 2020, to the best of your recollection which symptoms have you experienced. [Cough] Yes
Since Jan 1, 2020, to the best of your recollection which symptoms have you experienced. [Rapid breathing] No
Since Jan 1, 2020, to the best of your recollection which symptoms have you experienced. [Shortness of breath] No
Since Jan 1, 2020, to the best of your recollection which symptoms have you experienced. [Wheezing or chest tightness] No
Since Jan 1, 2020, to the best of your recollection which symptoms have you experienced. [Persistent pain or pressure in the chest] No
Since Jan 1, 2020, to the best of your recollection which symptoms have you experienced. [Bluish lips or face] No
Since Jan 1, 2020, to the best of your recollection which symptoms have you experienced. [Dizziness] Yes
Since Jan 1, 2020, to the best of your recollection which symptoms have you experienced. [Confusion or inability to arouse] No
Since Jan 1, 2020, to the best of your recollection which symptoms have you experienced. [Running nose] Yes
Since Jan 1, 2020, to the best of your recollection which symptoms have you experienced. [Sore throat] Yes
Since Jan 1, 2020, to the best of your recollection which symptoms have you experienced. [Nausea] No
Since Jan 1, 2020, to the best of your recollection which symptoms have you experienced. [Vomiting] No
Since Jan 1, 2020, to the best of your recollection which symptoms have you experienced. [Abdominal pain] Yes
Since Jan 1, 2020, to the best of your recollection which symptoms have you experienced. [Diarrhea] Yes
Since Jan 1, 2020, to the best of your recollection which symptoms have you experienced. [Pink eye (conjunctivitis)] No
Since Jan 1, 2020, to the best of your recollection which symptoms have you experienced. [Loss of sense of smell] No
Since Jan 1, 2020, to the best of your recollection which symptoms have you experienced. [Loss of sense of taste] No
Are you regularly taking any of the following medications? Please choose all those that apply. losartan (e.g. Cozaar)
Have you been tested for coronavirus (COVID-19) by a medical doctor or other official testing service? No, I have not tried to get tested
In the past 4 weeks, have you been in close contact with a person who has tested positive for coronavirus (COVID-19)? No
In the past 4 weeks, have you been in close contact with a person who has symptoms consistent with coronavirus (COVID-19) but has not been tested? No
Harvard PGP COVID-19 Health Assessment Week 4: 12 April - 18 April 2020 Responses submitted 4/13/2020 18:18:31. Show responses
Timestamp 4/13/2020 18:18:31
Are you currently ill with a cold or flu-like illness? No
Since Jan 1, 2020, have you been ill with a cold or flu-like illness? No
Currently are you experiencing ANY of the above list of symptoms? Yes
Indicate which of the following symptoms you are currently experiencing. [Persistent high fever of 38°C (100.4°F) or higher, lasting for a day or more] No
Indicate which of the following symptoms you are currently experiencing. [Feeling cold, chills or shivers] No
Indicate which of the following symptoms you are currently experiencing. [Headache] Yes
Indicate which of the following symptoms you are currently experiencing. [Aches all over the body] No
Indicate which of the following symptoms you are currently experiencing. [Cough] No
Indicate which of the following symptoms you are currently experiencing. [Rapid breathing] No
Indicate which of the following symptoms you are currently experiencing. [Shortness of breath] No
Indicate which of the following symptoms you are currently experiencing. [Wheezing or chest tightness] No
Indicate which of the following symptoms you are currently experiencing. [Persistent pain or pressure in the chest] No
Indicate which of the following symptoms you are currently experiencing. [Bluish lips or face] No
Indicate which of the following symptoms you are currently experiencing. [Dizziness] No
Indicate which of the following symptoms you are currently experiencing. [Confusion or inability to arouse] No
Indicate which of the following symptoms you are currently experiencing. [Running nose] Yes
Indicate which of the following symptoms you are currently experiencing. [Sore throat] No
Indicate which of the following symptoms you are currently experiencing. [Nausea] No
Indicate which of the following symptoms you are currently experiencing. [Vomiting] No
Indicate which of the following symptoms you are currently experiencing. [Abdominal Pain] No
Indicate which of the following symptoms you are currently experiencing. [Diarrhea] No
Indicate which of the following symptoms you are currently experiencing. [Pink eye (conjunctivitis)] No
Indicate which of the following symptoms you are currently experiencing. [Loss of sense of smell] No
Indicate which of the following symptoms you are currently experiencing. [Loss of sense of taste] No
In the past two weeks, have you experienced ANY of the above list of symptoms? Yes
In the past 2 weeks, which symptoms have you experienced. [Persistent high fever of 38°C (100.4°F) or higher, lasting for a day or more] No
In the past 2 weeks, which symptoms have you experienced. [Feeling cold, chills or shivers] No
In the past 2 weeks, which symptoms have you experienced. [Headache] Yes
In the past 2 weeks, which symptoms have you experienced. [Aches all over the body] Yes
In the past 2 weeks, which symptoms have you experienced. [Cough] Yes
In the past 2 weeks, which symptoms have you experienced. [Rapid breathing] No
In the past 2 weeks, which symptoms have you experienced. [Shortness of breath] No
In the past 2 weeks, which symptoms have you experienced. [Wheezing or chest tightness] No
In the past 2 weeks, which symptoms have you experienced. [Persistent pain or pressure in the chest] No
In the past 2 weeks, which symptoms have you experienced. [Bluish lips or face] No
In the past 2 weeks, which symptoms have you experienced. [Dizziness] Yes
In the past 2 weeks, which symptoms have you experienced. [Confusion or inability to arouse] No
In the past 2 weeks, which symptoms have you experienced. [Running nose] Yes
In the past 2 weeks, which symptoms have you experienced. [Sore throat] No
In the past 2 weeks, which symptoms have you experienced. [Nausea] No
In the past 2 weeks, which symptoms have you experienced. [Vomiting] No
In the past 2 weeks, which symptoms have you experienced. [Abdominal pain] Yes
In the past 2 weeks, which symptoms have you experienced. [Diarrhea] No
In the past 2 weeks, which symptoms have you experienced. [Pink eye (conjunctivitis)] No
In the past 2 weeks, which symptoms have you experienced. [Loss of sense of smell] No
In the past 2 weeks, which symptoms have you experienced. [Loss of sense of taste] No
Since Jan 1, 2020, to the best of your recollection,have you experienced ANY of the above list of symptoms? Yes
Since Jan 1, 2020, to the best of your recollection which symptoms have you experienced. [Persistent high fever of 38°C (100.4°F) or higher, lasting for a day or more] No
Since Jan 1, 2020, to the best of your recollection which symptoms have you experienced. [Feeling cold, chills or shivers] No
Since Jan 1, 2020, to the best of your recollection which symptoms have you experienced. [Headache] Yes
Since Jan 1, 2020, to the best of your recollection which symptoms have you experienced. [Aches all over the body] Yes
Since Jan 1, 2020, to the best of your recollection which symptoms have you experienced. [Cough] Yes
Since Jan 1, 2020, to the best of your recollection which symptoms have you experienced. [Rapid breathing] No
Since Jan 1, 2020, to the best of your recollection which symptoms have you experienced. [Shortness of breath] No
Since Jan 1, 2020, to the best of your recollection which symptoms have you experienced. [Wheezing or chest tightness] No
Since Jan 1, 2020, to the best of your recollection which symptoms have you experienced. [Persistent pain or pressure in the chest] No
Since Jan 1, 2020, to the best of your recollection which symptoms have you experienced. [Bluish lips or face] No
Since Jan 1, 2020, to the best of your recollection which symptoms have you experienced. [Dizziness] Yes
Since Jan 1, 2020, to the best of your recollection which symptoms have you experienced. [Confusion or inability to arouse] No
Since Jan 1, 2020, to the best of your recollection which symptoms have you experienced. [Running nose] Yes
Since Jan 1, 2020, to the best of your recollection which symptoms have you experienced. [Sore throat] Yes
Since Jan 1, 2020, to the best of your recollection which symptoms have you experienced. [Nausea] No
Since Jan 1, 2020, to the best of your recollection which symptoms have you experienced. [Vomiting] No
Since Jan 1, 2020, to the best of your recollection which symptoms have you experienced. [Abdominal pain] Yes
Since Jan 1, 2020, to the best of your recollection which symptoms have you experienced. [Diarrhea] Yes
Since Jan 1, 2020, to the best of your recollection which symptoms have you experienced. [Pink eye (conjunctivitis)] No
Since Jan 1, 2020, to the best of your recollection which symptoms have you experienced. [Loss of sense of smell] No
Since Jan 1, 2020, to the best of your recollection which symptoms have you experienced. [Loss of sense of taste] No
Are you regularly taking any of the following medications? Please choose all those that apply. losartan (e.g. Cozaar)
Have you been tested for coronavirus (COVID-19) by a medical doctor or other official testing service? No, I have not tried to get tested
In the past 4 weeks, have you been in close contact with a person who has tested positive for coronavirus (COVID-19)? No
In the past 4 weeks, have you been in close contact with a person who has symptoms consistent with coronavirus (COVID-19) but has not been tested? Yes
How long ago was your contact with a person who has symptoms consistent with coronavirus (COVID-19) but has not been tested? In current contact
Harvard PGP COVID-19 Health Assessment [Ongoing] Responses submitted 5/27/2020 17:36:15. Show responses
Timestamp 5/27/2020 17:36:15
Are you currently ill with a cold or flu-like illness? No
Currently are you experiencing ANY of the above list of symptoms? No
In the past two weeks, have you experienced ANY of the above list of symptoms? No
Are you regularly taking any of the following medications? Please choose all those that apply. losartan (e.g. Cozaar)
Have you been tested for coronavirus (COVID-19) by a medical doctor or other official testing service? No, I have not tried to get tested
In the past 4 weeks, have you been in close contact with a person who has tested positive for coronavirus (COVID-19)? No
In the past 4 weeks, have you been in close contact with a person who has symptoms consistent with coronavirus (COVID-19) but has not been tested? No
Harvard PGP COVID-19 Health Assessment [Ongoing] Responses submitted 6/12/2020 17:31:26. Show responses
Timestamp 6/12/2020 17:31:26
Are you currently ill with a cold or flu-like illness? No
Currently are you experiencing ANY of the above list of symptoms? No
In the past two weeks, have you experienced ANY of the above list of symptoms? No
Are you regularly taking any of the following medications? Please choose all those that apply. losartan (e.g. Cozaar)
Have you been tested for coronavirus (COVID-19) by a medical doctor or other official testing service? No, I tried to get tested but could not get a test
In the past 4 weeks, have you been in close contact with a person who has tested positive for coronavirus (COVID-19)? No
In the past 4 weeks, have you been in close contact with a person who has symptoms consistent with coronavirus (COVID-19) but has not been tested? No
Harvard PGP COVID-19 Health Assessment [Ongoing] Responses submitted 7/8/2020 18:52:33. Show responses
Timestamp 7/8/2020 18:52:33
Are you currently ill with a cold or flu-like illness? No
Currently are you experiencing ANY of the above list of symptoms? No
In the past two weeks, have you experienced ANY of the above list of symptoms? No
Are you regularly taking any of the following medications? Please choose all those that apply. losartan (e.g. Cozaar)
Have you been tested for coronavirus (COVID-19) by a medical doctor or other official testing service? No, I have not tried to get tested
In the past 4 weeks, have you been in close contact with a person who has tested positive for coronavirus (COVID-19)? No
In the past 4 weeks, have you been in close contact with a person who has symptoms consistent with coronavirus (COVID-19) but has not been tested? No

Absolute Pitch Survey [see all responses]

Can tell if notes are in tune: Yes
Can sing a melody on key: Yes
Can recognize musical intervals: No
Do you have absolute pitch? No

Enrollment History

Participant ID:huA2961E
Account created:2017-06-24 00:15:42 UTC
Eligibility screening:2017-06-24 00:24:15 UTC (passed v2)
Exam:2017-06-24 01:14:53 UTC (passed v20120430)
Consent:2017-06-24 01:17:04 UTC (passed v20150505)
Enrolled:2017-06-24 01:41:58 UTC