Top of Form THE APPROACHES TO LIFE STUDY Principal Investigator: Ronald D. Rogge, PhD Project Coordinator: Jaci L. Rolffs, B.A. UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER Individualized Feedback Below you will find feedback comparing your answers to the answers given by hundreds of other people on some of the self-report scales in the survey. NOTE: This feedback is most accurate if you gave answers to all of the questions on the survey. The more questions you left blank, the less accurate your feedback will be. PSYCHOLOGICAL FLEXIBILITY YOU ARE VERY PSYCHOLOGICALLY FLEXIBLE - Your answers were higher than most individuals on the items asking about your ability to respond flexibly to the present moment. You rarely, if ever, think that your thoughts and feelings mess up your life and instead you have a strong capacity to experience your negative thoughts and feelings – rolling with those feelings rather than running from them or letting them disrupt your life. You tend to believe that you can have a good life even when you are feeling sadness or fear. ATTENTIVE AWARENESS YOU ARE REASONABLY ATTENTIVE AND AWARE OF THE PRESENT MOMENT - Your answers place you right at the average level of how much you pay attention to each moment of your daily life when compared to the thousands of individuals who have completed this measure. Thus, while you occasionally rush through life on automatic, you more often take the time to pay attention to your thoughts, feelings, and physical sensations. You do a fairly good job of taking advantage of life’s moments and experiencing them more deeply. SELF-COMPASSION YOU TREAT YOURSELF WITH A REASONABLE AMOUNT OF KIDNESS DURING DIFFICULT SITUATIONS - Your answers place you right at the average level of how you treat yourself when you are going through a hard time, when compared to the thousands of individuals who have completed this measure. Thus, you may sometimes be intolerant of your inadequacies and the aspects of yourself that you don’t like. However, you may also be understanding and kind toward yourself when you’re going through something difficult or when you experience sadness and other emotional pain that you don’t want. HOPE YOU HAVE VERY LITTLE HOPE WHEN EXPERIENCING A PROBLEM - Your answers were lower than most individuals on the items asking about your levels of hope. Thus, compared to others, when you encounter a problem or difficult situation you tend to be unable to find a solution and easily become discouraged. Life frequently sidetracks you from putting energy and action into your deeper goals. BEHAVIORAL AVOIDANCE YOU AVOID DIFFICULT SITUATIONS A LITTLE LESS OFTEN THAN MOST PEOPLE - Your answers suggest that while you are in the average range on items asking about your tendency to avoid situations that were uncomfortable or upsetting, you are somewhat on the low end of that range. Thus, when you experience a situation that might be difficult or upsetting, you only occasionally avoid it, and more often you face it and work through it. font> DISTRACTION AND SUPPRESSION YOU TYPICALLY DISTRACT YOURSELF FROM UNWANTED THOUGHTS AND FEELINGS - Your answers were higher than most individuals on the items asking about avoiding unpleasant thoughts and feelings. Thus, when you experience unpleasant thoughts and feelings you tend to try to distract yourself from them and make them go away. You rarely accept them and allow them to be there. VITALITY YOU HAVE HAD AN AVERAGE LEVEL OF ENERGY IN THE LAST 2 WEEKS - Your answers place you right at the average level on the items asking about your liveliness in your daily life when compared to the thousands of individuals who have completed this measure. Thus, you reported typical levels of energy and enthusiasm for your daily life over the last 2 weeks, feeling reasonably energetic and having some interesting and fun things to look forward to and enjoy. THE APPROACHES TO LIFE STUDY Principal Investigator: Ronald D. Rogge, PhD Project Coordinator: Jaci L. Rolffs, B.A. UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER