Family History for PGP participant hu2E413D Father cause of death: age 58 pancreatic cancer gastric ulcer surgery hypertension lifelong smoker Mother cause of death age 84 small cell carcinoma of lung polycystic kidney disease hypertension Sister cause of death at age 80 ovarian cancer polycystic kidney disease hypertension GERD smoker age 16 - 50 Sister cause of death age 85 vascular dementia 20 year colon cancer survivor smoker age 16 - 40 Sister alive 2014 age 85 breast cancer (age 30) survivor breast cancer recurrence age 70 (secondary to earlier radiation therapy) polycystic kidney disease hypertension GERD Paternal aunt cause of death age 78 late recurrence breast cancer metastasized to brain Paternal uncle cause of death age 80 natural causes hypertension Maternal uncle cause of death age 64 hemorrhagic stroke osteomyelitis secondary to broken tibia hypertension Maternal uncle cause of death age 90 natural causes Grandparents causes of death not well documented or due to accident ages at death ranged 78 - 92